Thursday, June 12, 2008

Who To Change Mw2 From Russian To English?

A parody?

Who knows Groland not? This landlocked principality in our French neighbors. Its president, but especially his weekly newspaper that incorporates nearly all of the actions of its inhabitants.

You do not know? Here's your chance to get familiar with a story. I find you just after ...

So? A natural tone of ... Nearby, is not it? Tone, how to say, very journalistic! Is what it does not make you think of something else?

No? "Are you really sure? Go looking good ... Hey, it looks like it's your job ... ;-) But it

of course! This Friday, I had probably be pretty sick to watch RTL-TVI! Oops, sorry, Pipi Caca Channel. And oddly enough, I soon felt in Grosland.

Here is an excerpt from a JT that pleases most of the Francophone population of this country ... more and more pathetic! Poorer Walloons!

Click HERE for noticing it.

Groland So is it a parody of RTL-TVI?