Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Usain Bolt Singlet For Sale

New adventures

Our stay ends in Florida. Saturday night, the bags are packed, the last laundry done, the windshield of the car rutile ... And on Sunday we take Interstate 75 toward Miami. The flight is scheduled for 18 am 30 but already an hour late. I take this opportunity to see Jill to thank her again in person (it is employed in the service of luggage that had so kindly décrotté Joy and reassured when he arrived from Zurich, where they had forgotten to load it into the plane - see the beginning of the blog) ... Finally, we board the Airbus 340 Miami-Zurich, after making sure that Joy is on board. But an hour later, the pilot announced the failure of the electrical system of the landing gear, everybody back down and resumed his luggage. At 22 h 30, all passengers are accommodated in a hotel near the airport. All ... except us! Despite dozens of phones, you can not find a room in a hotel "pet-friendly" (which accepts pets)! Will we have to bivouac in the airport with two huge suitcases, 2 hand luggage, 2 laptops and the huge cage of Joy?

Well angels exist and ours is faithful : It's Jill! At half past midnight, it is we propose to take Joy home for the night ...

The cage is stored in the office of Jill and Joy share, standing proudly on the passenger seat of the pickup truck Jill. Pouvor we will spend the night (at least what remains of it) to the hotel, but will take the dog to 11 30 pm the next day we fly to 16 h 30.

Florida is however determined to not let us go like this ... At 15 h 30, we announced that our flight is unfortunately already seen the complete cancellation of the previous day. We must return for check-in at 19 hours! If you want news on the Miami airport and its immediate surroundings, you will not find better guides than us: we know all the terminals, the locations of elevators and toilets, shops, restaurants, newsstands The color of the seats and floor tiles, the peak hours, the few square meters of grass outside the airport, parking in the open, the names of all the car rental companies including shuttles pass by airport and the wording in English and English from the announcement by loudspeaker that runs every 5 minutes ("parking spaces at the airport are designed specifically for loading and unloading of luggage. For security reasons, any vehicle without a driver will be immediately evacuated ")... It will not die stupid.
Done Hot!

And Joy was quickly spotted. It " Hi Joy "here," Hello cutie, we'll miss you! "(hello darling, we'll miss you!) thereby, a true star who takes out his big game of seduction, the tail wagging frantically licking and distributing power !

At 19 h, finally, the check-in. For some time, drug traffickers have a new strategy: hide drugs in the cage and toys of animals, or even make them swallow pellets of cocaine. Joy is therefore subject to tight control: A security employee empty the cage and make sure it contains no double wall, the cushion kneads, kneads the length raccoon and duck plush, shakes the ball, then dons gloves and feeling the dog's nose to tip of tail (I thought for a moment that he would give him a rectal examination!). She wriggles with delight in what she believes to be affectionate tickling (it's not because he loves you, panty !)... It takes him for boarding, then it's our turn to go to the tail control Security: small bottles of cleanser and cream in a plastic bag, toothbrush and drugs in another, remove belt and shoes, put in a tank lighter, mobile phone, camera, jackets and coats, unpack the computer, go the metal detector, and everything is put back my store again in the hand luggage: a job of work! Alas, I did not seem to carry a head and no substance illlégale handsome man in uniform does not decide to feel me, me ... it's not fair!

To compensate for our too short night and all this waiting, the station manager, with whom, force to stay in the lobby of the airport we got on, we slip a conspiratorial air that has put us in business class, but shhh ... Here we are pampered with champagne, a sublime menu a very good Bordeaux before we settled comfortably for the night: seat that extends up to near a bed, pillow and plush blanket, menu choices for breakfast, a luxury very nice and very appreciated!

In Zurich, the alarm is brutal: we first seeking Joy and employee we slip through the cage door. Parts of the cage are broken net, a wheel was torn off, the door spring jumped and there are pieces of plastic cup full cage ... We immediately verify that Joy was not injured or did not cut, but it goes well. It is "only" very frightened. How is it possible that shocks to the point of breaking a solid cage (endorsed by IATA, the highest standards for animal transport) have occurred when the cage included everywhere labels specifying "LIVE ANIMALS, PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE! ". The only plausible explanation is that the cage was not secured, it was brutally dragged to the back-off and forward to the landing to go and smash against the walls. Poor Titoune! And say that we chose to SWISS Joy is transported under the best conditions ...


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