Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kates Playground Uncencored

... and a bike with a little bell?

is what that it looks like a little kid who asks, demands and increasing demand.
And why not answer it at our Bartje (or our Vlaamse Dikke Bart (depending on how you like it))?

So that after the elections, he became as gentle as a lamb to the resulting restoration of confidence of some Belgian political eminences as very 'old France' Liberal Armand Dedecker. Left to sell, sell all his soul.
As Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf has resurfaced more beautiful with its real claims.

Emptying the tasks of the Ministry of Interior, it really pulls ball
'red' on the institutions of this country and no longer hides its desire to move so fast to separatism.
radical demands, frank and undisguised. Claims that out of the wood this week as the pre-trainer Di Rupo authorized negotiators to go on vacation. When we already see this logic as the country is in trouble, we can doubt the result of the events.
Di Rupo is faced with an obligation of result. It should lead to a solution otherwise it will plunge the country into an unprecedented crisis. That the King could he name in case of failure of pre-trainer? Di Rupo he arms himself properly deal with the NV-a. If Ecolo said not wanting to take responsibility without Groen!, He plays fair play? He shoulders strong enough and has enough maturity to the Flemish demands? When the HRC, he would do anything to cling to his socialist mentor despite its low popularity rating. Liberal family, the third political force in the Kingdom is the key, the balcony, she looks Di Rupo be put on the ropes by what means the NV-a.

Recent press leaks are worrying. The Nationalist Party regretting the publication of the claims did not comment and do not contradict, what is particularly worrying because now we start to see what is in the red folders pre-instructor.

Regionalization of the North Sea, the electoral system, politics of immigration, Police, Firemen, Civil Protection and issuance of documents Officials such as identity cards and driver's license ...
We see the purpose of these requests.

All this, Di Rupo and the rest of the Left knew Walloon seen that any of them do not make comment in the press. Was it appropriate then to break the French front at that time? Is it appropriate to leave the 1st party and 2nd party Wallon Brussels on the key when the Kingdom is living its most difficult times?

reminder, here is the number of seats each political family in the country. It is obvious that the will of the voter is always well attended.

PS 26 + spa: 13 = 39 seats
RM 18 + Open VLD: 13 = 31 seats
N-VA 27 seats
CD & V CDh 17 + 9 = 26 seats
ecolo 8 + Groen! : 5 = 13 seats

Finally, if Di Rupo fails, I'm interested to inflict the same punishment as North Korea has imposed on his coach for the World Cup: humiliation and hard labor rate of 14 hours a day ...


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