Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A TGV California

This is not a scoop: U.S. rail transport are at best outdated and certainly not the height of the level of development.

many already know, but in California, the project of a train linking north-south axis including the San Francisco / Los Angeles / San Diego is on the carpet for a very long time. For over 10 years been talking about and that referendums on financing or the terms of this project appear on the ballots at each election. But in 2009, the Obama administration has granted 2.25 billion to California through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (see this ). The overall cost is estimated at 43 billion.

sunset express

Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, our California senators have written a letter to U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood last December to ask that the funds of the states that have abandoned the project of high speed trains are transferred to California. They claimed that no other state is also determined ready and able to develop this infrastructure in the near future.

A tender is expected this year, and the SNCF, which already operates the bullet train from Washington DC and Virginia, is well on in the race.

are many obstacles, however: The lobbies and in particular those of air transport that would have much to lose on flights from California are doing their work on this issue as they know so well. But beyond the lobbies, the billionaire Warren Buffet is also a piece of the puzzle because it is owners of kilometers of railway lines. This project can not be done without him.


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