Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Death Watch Chapter Summary

Oscars 2011: Natalie Portman: Hollywood child

There are celebrities who are growing up before our eyes. These children run the rest of Hollywood very often in baby teeth before they even reach the majority between the drug and the rest.

Natalie Portman is an exception relentless. Outstanding intelligence, she studied psychology at Harvard University in parallel while multiplying outstanding performance as an actress. Today it is the overwhelming favorite Oscar 2011 for The Black Swan by Darren Aronofsky.

I settled on this video or, at the dawn of his 21 years, she was visiting David Letterman on his talk show.

It already noted his maturity, his repartee (even if these shows are often very scripted), but what strikes me most about this little chat is that you can see a Natalie Portman jokingly saying she looks forward to "taste alcohol for the first time" (no under 21 years in California). The irony is palpable and it is obvious that this will not be his first drink. This little actress discovered while she was still a child grew and grew, but this video really sums up obsolete is the whole paradox of the United States in terms of relationship with alcohol . That's bad faith in American paraxysme her!

Natalie Portman

See also:

The Oscars and political courage in Hollywood

Sandra Bullock and The Blind Side

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A TGV California

This is not a scoop: U.S. rail transport are at best outdated and certainly not the height of the level of development.

many already know, but in California, the project of a train linking north-south axis including the San Francisco / Los Angeles / San Diego is on the carpet for a very long time. For over 10 years been talking about and that referendums on financing or the terms of this project appear on the ballots at each election. But in 2009, the Obama administration has granted 2.25 billion to California through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (see this ). The overall cost is estimated at 43 billion.

sunset express

Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, our California senators have written a letter to U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood last December to ask that the funds of the states that have abandoned the project of high speed trains are transferred to California. They claimed that no other state is also determined ready and able to develop this infrastructure in the near future.

A tender is expected this year, and the SNCF, which already operates the bullet train from Washington DC and Virginia, is well on in the race.

are many obstacles, however: The lobbies and in particular those of air transport that would have much to lose on flights from California are doing their work on this issue as they know so well. But beyond the lobbies, the billionaire Warren Buffet is also a piece of the puzzle because it is owners of kilometers of railway lines. This project can not be done without him.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lasik Drivers License Ontario

An ideal gift for Valentine's Day

heads gondolas stores never lie! United States is simple: Thanksgiving barely finished, they will celebrate the Christmas, then, of December 26, theme is New Year's Eve hangovers and parties of New Year has barely healed, those same heads gondolas stores are pink and populated heart-shaped balloons for Valentine's Day! It helps not to lose the Northern San Francisco or we do not have very pronounced seasons. And time goes so ...

and now Valentine's Day "is fast approaching! For some, finding the perfect gift is a stress elsewhere. So what are your options besides the traditional bouquet of roses? and although there are chocolates, dinner by candlelight, or the pillow fight was here .

But other options are available on the web, and I came across this one recently: he is paying to name a star in the sweet name of your sweetheart! For those who are interested: here.

Happy Valentine! but if you want my opinion, the bouquet of roses is a sure timeless!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Does Cvs Have Halloween Costumes?

State of the Union: the new master stroke of the Obama campaign

When you follow American politics year after year, it comes right even to ask what is the address on the state of the union today. It is the opportunity (the only annual opportunity) to both sides Democrats and Republicans and for all parliamentarians to meet in a somewhat pompous and over-formalized.

We know already that the analysis that follows is always the same in the U.S. political context and present regardless of the content of presidential speeches. Those who have decided to get Obama will do, other ecstasies. It does not advance the Schmilblick. This is a predictable! I do not know if I'm getting older but I find it tiring and very little "inspirational".

And yet, there has been a small turnaround this year. The presidential camp has opted for a format that breaks with tradition. It is of the form, you might think that this is not essential, yet we can only welcome this media coup obamanesque:

In the hearing of the speech on the State of the Union Democrats and Republicans were not all on their side, they were mixed. It's so simple yet so essential. This changes everything especially for a media event also. It really geniuses Organizing for America and the Obama camp!

In this metling pot democratico Republican (or is it vice versa?), The two Johns (s): Kerry and McCain with Republican Michael Burgess of Texas in the middle or Joe Lieberman on the right

To conclude on the discourse of the State of the Union of POTUS 2011 the performance of speaker Obama is undeniable, his willingness to unite seemed sincere with or without a teleprompter he saying things with his heart and with conviction, he has shown great respect in relation to recent events in Tucson ... Everything was. It was a lesson in form and class. Personally, I'm much more inspired when I see the president concluded with the signing of parliamentary bills concrete (even if they are fatally flawed 99.99% of the time). At least it is not so much rhetoric. It was very nice speech on the State of the Union, and I will not say that it was hollow, but it's still great lines. But broadly that abound in the sense of team spirit and unity, and this is no small matter, it is much more useful than one might think!

And I can not help but parallel it with the discourse of the State of the Union in 1972 that Nixon called him as a unit (a note in passing: there were very few women in Congress has the time!): here


See also:
Speech State of the Union 2010
one year ago

PASAGE Small note: I I do not always do that my dear Nancy Pelosi is no longer there but was replaced by John Boehner's horrible!
see this