Saturday, July 31, 2010

What Drinks Are Free On Princess Cruise

12 hours later

What? You also remains also here in this July 31?

So an image that will please you and tell you that we are perhaps better at home (at least on this Saturday) ... Well, there's not much change from yesterday ... 22h (Click to enlarge)

And to give courage to all those who are trapped in their car, a small Sttellla does not hurt ...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fatal Zopiclone Overdose

Course Forest ... Run!

This is a post that may be caustic ... Yeah, I loose! Nan worry, I 'm not going to be nasty, but no no no more, shall we say ... Comparative and there, not need a photo finish!

But first, let's exploit which we got yesterday from Barcelona which compete for the European Championships in Athletics. On the stroke of 9:25 p.m., the brothers Borlée align the 400m final. One turn track.

Spotlight on Jonathan who is engaged with the best European performance. Opponents have in focus leaving Kevin
background, described as the underdog. The result? The reports are
athletes will explain better than me. Kevin fantastic ski on the French Djhone which is not found even on the podium. Wanting to hear the commentators of our neighbors across Quiévrain, I plugged Eurosport frenzy where a 3rd time to hear the Marseillaise has exceeded all ... France2 meanwhile did not believe it either, forgetting Djhone lost in passing the achievement of Belgium.
Kevin concludes 39 years of absence from the podium in Cha
mpionnats Europeans.

And the title? It is still not Kevin? Absolutely not! The urge to write this article was well present before the Belgian gold medal. The gold medals, there was already taken for our French friends and you can immediately select those Christophe Lemaitre, who was masterful in the 100m. A white athlete at this distance was also highly anticipated. He did it but I can not help that when a French athlete stands out is that there is something fishy. As already noted in the past with Candeloro Virenque to name a few. Often, there seems to be gifted for what they do best. Far be it from me to be bad again, but the finding
is clear. Just listen to the interview at the end of their exploits ...

To strengthen me in my progress, I suggest you look for the interview with Kevin (gold medal in the 400m) and Christophe (gold medal in the 100 and 200m) and you make yourself your opinion. And to be completely correct, in Belgium, we also have the same size and this, in all disciplines, of course.

For Kevin, I give you the link to the RTBf (first video)

For Christopher, here's the video (the interview begins the 45th second) Frankly ...

Why Do I Get Clear Bubbles In My Mouth

Chassé Crusader

Besides the fact that one is entitled to wonder where the term comes from the cross removed in 2010 is expected Saturday. In any case, France.

home, we know that a possible plug the media loves to exaggerate.

We are Friday, July 30 (I should be in Sweden), 10:40 p.m. ET here is the situation on the A7 up to Valencia ... tomorrow, Saturday, it'll be hot!!

Happy Holidays!

Click for

Genital Warts Peroxide

Morning F1rst headless

all depends how you wake up in the morning. Me, before September 2009, I was connected Télématin especially at breakfast and then shoo on PureFm Classic21 or by car.

Since September 2009, I enjoyed myself on the hook for the portion F1rst info. Full redesign, RTBf decided to rejuvenate the band info. Moreover, the pub still posted at the moment makes you want as the dynamic spring

Here it is, if you had not seen it yet:

CLAUDE Pascal was the conductor for 3 hours of airtime. Since then, small and very special Belgian radio show is broadcast on TV. No morning show as Télématin but just a face on the vote. Personally, even if the idea of private RTBF has done that. And from what I have discussed (and included) with him, Pascal was also in charge for making the image.
An offbeat, sometimes even dared to wear the sweatshirt of PureFm to the antenna, Pascal brings freshness and dynamism that everyone needs in the morning although some compare it to a disjointed Marsupilami (at the base, radio ...)
' A good slice of chocolate and 3 hours 'Non-stop news ' could be his catchphrase. We even got in a direct Liégeois ' good bread sauce rabbit'.

The way I talk, you might think it does more
part of this world. On the contrary, but then, the hearings F1rst are plummeting and it would be responsible. Wanting too rejuvenate the tone of the news, listeners would be left ... but where? Opposite, where we tape the Lamy and Pirette? It would be a shame to pass the sensational ... and yes, I'm still anti-pee poo-channel ...
Boulevard Reyers has made his choice and Pascal is ousted from the band Morning News. We could hear again on sequences but the tone will probably be quieter. Exit
also chronicles daily hot Paul Hermant, they are weekly now.

Why take this as a defense you ask me? Well simply that when the opportunity is given me, I exchange with him on Facebook and we met secretly Charlie Winston in concert last year.

A Facebook group is open to him and he grows: Facebook

To read the various articles :

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hentia Milk Streaming

We do not remake

Sometimes you have a great slap in the face to boost morale. For me it was yesterday that I received my slap as they say down home.

She: Sir, here, I return your file to the RVA. Everything should be regularized within 3 weeks.
Me: (I swallow my saliva)
It: Here's your scorecard, simply return it to us late in the box here, if we are open, otherwise the mailbox.
Me: ok, fine (thinking: you can not know what I am looking forward to return here). Can you tell me how much is the allowance?
She: So ... you are isolated, without family ... is capped at 60% of your salary but capped at 2500 gross ... So uh ... € 50 per day!
Me: ah ... ok ... (Thinking: wow, awesome). Well, you will not see me for a long time!

I could not restrain myself ... we never change!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Portroyale2 Patch No Cd

Any new ... any good? Too quiet

After a long absence, he returns with a brand new presentation.

Her new look, he likes my blog and YOU?

What do you think?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fancy Dress Oap Clothing

Here already a little over a month that we were constrained and forced us to vote. The Flemish Liberal Party could no longer visible from the coalition in place and wanted more than the little Belgian vraissemblablement we are its responsibility and take the country's future in hand.

On 13 June, the national political landscape changed phase. The electorate Walloon true to himself has restored his confidence in the Socialist Party. Anchored at port, Wallonia forgives and forgets quickly the actions of members of this 'family' policy. Both past acts that inaction now. Just as the people revolted by rolling on the tarmac decaying earlier this year by the fault of a few socialist minister in charge of infracture road. But oops, the hand went for a long time (a year is a lot for memory Walloon) and is without Benoît Lutgen doubt that picking up the pots (of wine?) broke Papa Daerden, pays the price. Scores CDh (center left) attest.

side of the north, the electorate is more volatile. At one election, one voting right (VLD), the second to right center (CD & V) to arrive today at the limit of the extreme right with the NV-a. Small party attached to the CD & V in the last election, he literally flew in June, exceeding all Esperance of its leader, Bart Dewever.

Why this shift in our fellow Flemish? Message clear: Walloon is poo. Well, okay, I quickly shortcut but basically we are! The Bartje has always campaigned to get the message making himself a simple rapporchement between Wallonia and PS (or P $). June 2010 has not been too wrong. For Bart, evil Walloon unemployment is costing the Flanders (and therefore to falmands) and unemployment, the PS maintains. Remind us of the campaign by the former leader of the NV-a (see photo).

It must still sacrament emm ... now. He finds himself faceà one he has always fought campaign. And what political vision too. A south-port and a north to the opposite.

Since June 13, still no government ... An informant called Flemish fluently bilingual and a pre-trainer Walloon unable to make a complete sentence in the language of Vondel. But what does the King? Prove that a prime Wallon is impossible? I think not. Probably the first evidence that Elio is unreal. We can only follow if it does.

Elio has decided to make his government with parties losers. Finally, not too offend the sensibilities of everyone, I am partial correction is not in position to mount responsibilities. Worse, it is courting, one could sell his soul to have the support of Ecolo (which, recall, is also a party just as anti-monarchical NV-a).

And the MR (single right-wing party Walloon) in there? It does what? With its second position and loser of 13 June, he remains silent. Too quiet! In any media, no one ever hears about. What happens like in the Golden Fleece? No comments? The Reform Movement does support a reform of the state? No noise, no whispers does perceive what he thinks about what is happening under his nose. We'll even wonder if the media have forgotten the existence and the fact that the party is still the first party in Brussels. Want? Brussels and its periphery, this is not what the state reform risk of speaking? M'enfin! The world is upside down right?

Oops, no, Belgium ....

When Was Poptropica Envented

Let's try!

A simple return to see if the urge to write back ...

Friday, July 9, 2010

What Song Should My Basketball Team Run Out To

Real Rare Inecest Vidio

Hello Dear readers!
It is now almost a month Augustine was released from the hospital and it goes really well! It's a baby rather wise, that makes us beautiful smiles and is already becoming talkative!
After its release, Augustine took difficult weight, with two episodes of diarrhea a bit stressful ... Since last Saturday (civil marriage of his parents, perhaps because of well-being!) Augustine is processed, it feels great! Now he gets that little delay at a rate of meteor!
What fascinates him now: he sucks his thumb with vivacity!
Sunday, we start a family in the Dordogne in the great-grand-parents!
We will continue to give you news of the little star every month. "
Thanks again for your messages of support and friendship.