Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fancy Dress Oap Clothing

Here already a little over a month that we were constrained and forced us to vote. The Flemish Liberal Party could no longer visible from the coalition in place and wanted more than the little Belgian vraissemblablement we are its responsibility and take the country's future in hand.

On 13 June, the national political landscape changed phase. The electorate Walloon true to himself has restored his confidence in the Socialist Party. Anchored at port, Wallonia forgives and forgets quickly the actions of members of this 'family' policy. Both past acts that inaction now. Just as the people revolted by rolling on the tarmac decaying earlier this year by the fault of a few socialist minister in charge of infracture road. But oops, the hand went for a long time (a year is a lot for memory Walloon) and is without Benoît Lutgen doubt that picking up the pots (of wine?) broke Papa Daerden, pays the price. Scores CDh (center left) attest.

side of the north, the electorate is more volatile. At one election, one voting right (VLD), the second to right center (CD & V) to arrive today at the limit of the extreme right with the NV-a. Small party attached to the CD & V in the last election, he literally flew in June, exceeding all Esperance of its leader, Bart Dewever.

Why this shift in our fellow Flemish? Message clear: Walloon is poo. Well, okay, I quickly shortcut but basically we are! The Bartje has always campaigned to get the message making himself a simple rapporchement between Wallonia and PS (or P $). June 2010 has not been too wrong. For Bart, evil Walloon unemployment is costing the Flanders (and therefore to falmands) and unemployment, the PS maintains. Remind us of the campaign by the former leader of the NV-a (see photo).

It must still sacrament emm ... now. He finds himself faceà one he has always fought campaign. And what political vision too. A south-port and a north to the opposite.

Since June 13, still no government ... An informant called Flemish fluently bilingual and a pre-trainer Walloon unable to make a complete sentence in the language of Vondel. But what does the King? Prove that a prime Wallon is impossible? I think not. Probably the first evidence that Elio is unreal. We can only follow if it does.

Elio has decided to make his government with parties losers. Finally, not too offend the sensibilities of everyone, I am partial correction is not in position to mount responsibilities. Worse, it is courting, one could sell his soul to have the support of Ecolo (which, recall, is also a party just as anti-monarchical NV-a).

And the MR (single right-wing party Walloon) in there? It does what? With its second position and loser of 13 June, he remains silent. Too quiet! In any media, no one ever hears about. What happens like in the Golden Fleece? No comments? The Reform Movement does support a reform of the state? No noise, no whispers does perceive what he thinks about what is happening under his nose. We'll even wonder if the media have forgotten the existence and the fact that the party is still the first party in Brussels. Want? Brussels and its periphery, this is not what the state reform risk of speaking? M'enfin! The world is upside down right?

Oops, no, Belgium ....


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