Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is There An Omnimax In Ottawa?

and 100 ...

The course is over!

100 days later and finding no possibility of compromise, our 2 men (Elio and Bart) have concocted a casting choice! To save the country from its doldrums, Circus Production presents the "Group of High Flight '. It can not be invented!

When you read such a title, one can only say PHEW! That's it, we finally took over. Finally .... with NV-A is its youth, I can not imagine they will get us out of the Ministers of State, people of great value. On the stroke, they should apologize. Other PS can just train them. Major reforms of State, the Socialist Party has already made some and amateurism can be avoided.

For cons, I did not expect that the other guests are present. So here we are with the Delegation of the Century. Some people came out of nowhere and others ... was better that they stay where they were! Dead last in the class 'Elections 2010', the Flemish Green party sends to the front 3 eminences of their party! Hang on because
Ecolo sends a personality quality, I have appointed Jean-Marc Nollet! The man with 17 votes preferably municipal ballot, Pittbull his condition but can not barking will lead and reflect on the future of the country.
Coté P $, a degree in economics, municipal councilor, unknown to all except the Centre for the Study of Keizerslaan we will pleased to display his policy experience.
the HRC, we find the son of Melchior. Current Secretary of State, spitting in the soup now, Melchior Junior goes on to flatter his ego and so dimensioned enter his name in history.

Finally, I recall a very great disappointment at the option of choosing a P $ Marcourt as co-chair of that group. Elio has accustomed us so much more panache in this show. I still can not figure out the shelving of Daerden since June.
For once we would have a real reason to have fun! The member of the NV-A would have enjoyed working with Dad. What panache for the country to have the duo-Daerden Ham at the controls of this group of Top (e) Flight (stem)


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