Monday, October 18, 2010

Sims 2 How You Get Pushchairs

midterm election in the U.S.: Christine O'Donnell, a candidate unqualified

Christine O'Donnell is a victim of the syndrome Sarah Pallin. This video proves it.

She won the Republican primary in Delaware and the press only talks about it, but when it comes to name a decision Recent Supreme Court with which it would not agree, she is apparently a glue. When one is running for senator, is the kind of question that falls for which the least we can do is prepare.

This proves once again that extreme candidates Tea Party can win the primaries, but are not in the absolute credibility to the second round. The wave of victory tea party in the early rounds could even represent a significant advantage in the second round for the Democrats because the Republicans may come to vote for them.

It's nice to see real interviews with political content on television. Bravo to the American political journalism anyway.


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