Friday, October 22, 2010

Deathwatch Robb White Sparknotes

in California proposal 23

I have already spoken, but the United States, mix all the elections: the presidential election every four years, postal, federal governance states, local stations such as "district supervisor" and also the mini-referendums. The legislative November 2 is no exception to the rule.

Everything is in the same bag which makes it difficult to follow for all people. At referendums in particular is a big job for any follow to make sure to vote so informed and more consistent that you often read between the lines because of their formulation.

A friend once told me in fact to make decisions at the mini referendums, one must first ask the question of who finances! This is often revealing. It and the proposed 23 in California is proving to be an initiative of the Texas oil majors (Tesoro and Valero) who want to settle in California and pollute! This initiative has already been publicly repudiated by Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Shultz, Robert Redford, Bill Gates, James Cameron, Leonardo Di Caprio and Al Gore, and was already dubbed the proposed dirty energy.


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