Monday, November 29, 2010

Denise Milani Naturual?

Wikileaks: when there is no difference between tabloid journalism and political

Again, the press and the journalistic press people mingle with the scandal this week Wikileaks.

"Cables diplomatic" This is a new expression that has the monopoly of attention. It means that this info has leaked on Wikileaks by thousands and show how the Obama administration is working on "sensitive issues". We do not know where and especially that they come but this is still the one.

First, know that it seems to excite much the French press that the American press as other information such as make a salary freeze federal regulations. And then, I would add that, once the tabloids and gossip festers policy. It's like when the Express is three pages to speculate on the jealousy of Sarkozy vis a vis Obama.

same time, it's us the primary culprits, since it reacts, it titillates us, and we are unable to ignore this kind of info, we want to know more. It's irresistible.

All I want to say is that this kind of internal communications has obviously always existed. We live in times when such things can not remain secret. The fact remains that it Agenda not gossip and political journalism.

Moreover, gentlemen and ladies french journalists, know that when you start your sentences with "Americans this" or "American ca" is the level "preparatory course. It just will not say anything. The United States is a country completely divided, the notion of "American" was perhaps a sense in 45 or the second part of the twentieth century, but today it has no place. In the case of the scandal Wikileaks is ridiculous because the leaks emanating from the White House and the Obama administration, but it is representative of what "Americans" think of this or Such political and personality does not mean more than any of his staff members are necessarily unanimous.

How Heavy Is A Labrador In Kg

A new Silicon Valley in the center of the United States

This video has something a little "propagandesque" but it's pretty funny. Adobe companie legendary Silicon Valley (where I worked one year as a freelancer), has opened offices in a state unlikely: Utah, the state founded by Mormons misunderstood. Adobe has poached a lot of people out of Silicon Valley in California, pushing them to change their lifestyle to choose this place they never even considered and that was pretty negative connotations.

These employees have put away their a priori to find a new Silicon Valley. All the elements are there for those who know the jargon: VCs, Tech, Biotech ... And beyond the high-tech, Utah would have welcomed 40 new companies and $ 2 billion investment in less than two years.

Monument Valley Utah

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Good Basketball Runout

far to go to combat air terrorism?

On the eve of Thanksgiving, many Americans will fly to join their families and do the same time experience the new airport security measures that have created controversy since more than a month.

is an issue that is putting in danger the airlines. In many U.S. airports, passengers now have the choice between a passage in the scanner that you undress completely, or strip searching textbook that strikes the puritanism of many. I'll let you make your choice (wink has French Biscuit).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gatorade Tastes Gross

The Dream Act: Hope for the children of illegal immigrants in the United States

There was a manifestation of a hundred people with banners and cameras before my office in San Francisco about ten days ago.

Whoever crystallizes so much passion in the Bay of San Francisco (especially within the community of Asian American) for two weeks called Steve "Shing Ma Li, a student at university in San Francisco exemplary results and also the child of Chinese illegal immigrants. For two weeks, it became the symbol of the debate on those cases in the United States.

Steven was incarcerated in Arizona for two months pending deportation. His parents fled the one-child policy in China and took refuge Peru and Steven was born before coming to the U.S. when the latter was 12 twelve years. Their family was allowed to stay in the U.S. until 2002 but remained illegally before being arrested last September. Parents are being monitored with electronic bracelets and will have to return to China but Steven, who is officially Peru should be deported to Peru where he has no roots and no contact.

is Diane Feinstein, California Democrat Senator who came to her aid with a single piece of legislation which has resulted and will allow Steven to release. Only a small proportion of individual measures of this type lead as a rule but Diane Feinstein argues, referring in particular the political context with the Dream Act that would change everything. This bill had failed in September, worst time to legislate on anything in Washington because there was the impending elections on 2 November 2010. This debate is coming up in the Senate next month and would provide that all children of immigrants who came to the U.S. before the age of 15 can stay if they are enrolled at the university.

Chicago Immigration Protest May 1, 2006

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kabuki Cream Foundation

USA: Marion Jones, the redemption of an ancient sport that has boosted

Her name is Marion Jones, is a former Olympic champion at 100m and 200m including and is now a former prisoner.
Twenty-five years, his triumphant passage to the Sydney Olympics in 2000 was crowned with three gold medals and two bronze medals and had marked the American people.

She has since announced his official retirement in 2007 and spent six months in jail for having doped. His testimony stated that his coach had given him substances during his years as champion, and she had not understood that the substance was an illegal substance. She was convinced that it was a dietary supplement as there are many in the United States in various forms.

When the case broke, things got complicated because she instinctively lied to a federal investigator on the use of dopants. That was in 2000, during an interview a few minutes that she was frightened and At the end of which she became in the eyes of U.S. law, a "felony". You automatically become a "traitor" if you lie to a federal agent. It is the legal status of one who has committed a serious crime punishable by gravity, jail or penalty Death!

Because the status of "Felon," she could not vote for several years and particularly missed, to his great regret, the election of Obama. Today
flourished and mother of three, she published an autobiographical work and promotion is to share her experience, hoping to help other athletes.

Marion Jones

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wards Ap Bio Lab Five

How co-founder of Facebook, has revolutionized forever Democracy in the United States

Two years Obama was elected in 2008 with 66,882,230 votes and a score of 53%.

I talked a lot about the media-political revolution had shown using Twitter, Facebook and social networks during the 2008 season and victory for Obama (see this ).

What I have not mentioned is the one that revolutionized forever the participatory democracy and American politics: Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook.

Discussion with Chris Hughes on how the Obama campaign has used technology

young man of 24 years, Chris Hughes was the man who had been on the Origin of the intensive use of social media techniques to the presidential campaign of Obama, thus initiating a radical change. Hughes is also behind the creation of site, which offers such local connections to potential voters who are not registered. Thus, through the optimization of these virtual vehicle, that participatory democracy has reached its climax. Never did the policy be like before.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Poptropica Credit

USA: U.S. Senate after the midterm elections

First a little link has all the same section of who recently spoke French Ketchup for midterm elections (midterm elections term): article on
More Figaro.

Following these, the Democrats in the U.S. Senate has only lost 6 seats in contrast with the predictions of Real Clear Politics in mid-year (see this ).

Consequences Voting in favor of many of the controversial social reform of American Obama is from my point of view is much less experience than expected. I am very surprised that Harry Reid's example (pictured below), a symbol of the Democrats battle for this reform was re-elected (50% against 45%) although it is mainly attributable to the mediocrity of its Republican rival Sharon Angle
( see this).


Similarly, Barbara Boxer in California and Michael Bennett, Colorado keep their senate seats.

But things are different for Blanche Lincoln (See this ), Arkansas who was beaten handily by 37% against 58%.

In any case, the fact remains that it was more than courageous on the part of these MPs to defy the threats and acts of vandalism directed against their families and their homes to vote in favor: Read

Social Reform: the courage of those who voted "yes"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

39 Weeks Pregnant Neck Pain

USA: John Boehner: Human midterm elections

Man of the elections, it is a bit of course. John Boehner, House Republican leader from Ohio who came to hunt Nancy Pelosi . To believe that its strategy of putting sticks in the wheels of the Obama administration systematically beginning with social reform has been successful.

Rep. John Boehner, Blocking Position

For cons, the U.S. Senate is a Democratic majority, which was not won.

Note also (among others), Meg Whitman, the candidate has the governance of California who lost despite 160 million in private funds it spent from his pocket to his campaign, and Arizona, Jan Brewer, the by the controversy that came with the anti-immigration (see this ), was re-elected without difficulty.

See also:

midterm elections in the USA: Vote for the "least worst"

of June 8 primaries in the United States: a flood of women

midterm elections United States: the tone is set after the first round of primaries

Election fever in the United States: Marco Rubio is mobilizing its volunteers to the legislative