Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kabuki Cream Foundation

USA: Marion Jones, the redemption of an ancient sport that has boosted

Her name is Marion Jones, is a former Olympic champion at 100m and 200m including and is now a former prisoner.
Twenty-five years, his triumphant passage to the Sydney Olympics in 2000 was crowned with three gold medals and two bronze medals and had marked the American people.

She has since announced his official retirement in 2007 and spent six months in jail for having doped. His testimony stated that his coach had given him substances during his years as champion, and she had not understood that the substance was an illegal substance. She was convinced that it was a dietary supplement as there are many in the United States in various forms.

When the case broke, things got complicated because she instinctively lied to a federal investigator on the use of dopants. That was in 2000, during an interview a few minutes that she was frightened and At the end of which she became in the eyes of U.S. law, a "felony". You automatically become a "traitor" if you lie to a federal agent. It is the legal status of one who has committed a serious crime punishable by gravity, jail or penalty Death!

Because the status of "Felon," she could not vote for several years and particularly missed, to his great regret, the election of Obama. Today
flourished and mother of three, she published an autobiographical work and promotion is to share her experience, hoping to help other athletes.

Marion Jones


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