Monday, November 29, 2010

How Heavy Is A Labrador In Kg

A new Silicon Valley in the center of the United States

This video has something a little "propagandesque" but it's pretty funny. Adobe companie legendary Silicon Valley (where I worked one year as a freelancer), has opened offices in a state unlikely: Utah, the state founded by Mormons misunderstood. Adobe has poached a lot of people out of Silicon Valley in California, pushing them to change their lifestyle to choose this place they never even considered and that was pretty negative connotations.

These employees have put away their a priori to find a new Silicon Valley. All the elements are there for those who know the jargon: VCs, Tech, Biotech ... And beyond the high-tech, Utah would have welcomed 40 new companies and $ 2 billion investment in less than two years.

Monument Valley Utah


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