Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dry Mouth And Throat During Pregnancy

USA: an import product growing European

For those who still believe in all that relates to traffic and cars is on the U.S. we should take example in Europe, think again.

Everyone (almost) knows the configuration of the typical American city: a perfect grid with perpendicular streets, intersections and, in most cases: the fires. This has the advantage of providing easy navigation but it is neither ecolo nor conducive to optimizing traffic. And although the U.S. is trying to draw on the old continent on this point.

The export product is the hottest European roundabout. While in France we have over 30,000, the United States, there are only 2,000 for the time being, but a figure that is increasing dramatically.

Aerial view of roundabout at SR 539/Pole Road intersection

The only small problem according to a recent New York Times is that the roundabout is much misunderstood in the United States. A study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety on how it is still perceived by many Americans reveals that 34% of drivers on average are against roundabouts and convinced that they create accidents. The same survey in areas where a roundabout has been built recently gave 57% positive rating.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Intent To Vacate Apartment Letter

Merry Christmas at the White House

White House tree

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vitamin C Hair Colour

White House: an Obama victory?

Besides the fact that Obama would have successfully quit smoking for 9 months according to the LA Times, a survey of Wall Street Newspaper claims another victory for the latter this week.

is the "tax cut deal." Obama leaves the rich their tax advantages in exchange for an extension of unemployment for those not lucky enough to be rich. It is also a Republican blackmail which he sold. And where is the victory in all this?


Well you will be struck to know that in spite of those who cried foul and outrage that the decision has provoked among many senators or members of the House Democrats, 61% of the U.S. population supports the deal and believes it was a good compromise in a study NBC / Wall Street Journal. Are in favor of Democrats, Republicans, and not only moderates but also apparently the extremes on both sides. The survey also reveals that 47% of Republicans in the U.S. would be against the compromise in politics, but the majority of Democrats prefer their leaders get results through compromise rather than maintaining their positions do not perform any results.

So yes, this deal is also a sad symbol of what is reduced in American politics. It mixes everything in a bill, and as we negotiate the contract when buying fruits and vegetables: I'll leave the unemployment benefits if you leave me my way taxation George Bush. Seen from the outside if you do not follow too much the reality of legislative politics in the U.S., it's really dramatic to happen there, and yet ...

This deal has the advantage of being concrete, to make things happen in this country where unemployment remains high (it is still at 10% in California which is completely wrong for the United States). Obama has just proved once again that it is not nearly as left as what some (tea partyers and others) like to think.

Another figure of this new poll: whatever their endorsement of his policies, 72% of Americans "like" Obama. After the midterm elections difficult for the Obama campaign, it is he trying to follow the same cycle as Bill Clinton comeback re-election and has the key?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Information On The Strongest Paper Towels

Sitting or lying on a sidewalk San Franciscan became illegal

In 2004, when Willie Brown was about to give up her seat to Gavin Newsom as mayor of San Francisco, he publicly stated that the problem of undocumented shelters in San Francisco was perhaps these problems can not be solved.

"Inhabitant" has Golden Gate Park or elsewhere, they would be 6.514 according to the latest census date of 2009 (and again, it decreased for 7 years).

Many often come from across the United States and underestimate from the fact that it is not necessarily always easy to start a new life in a city (and that life is much more expensive). San Francisco is one of the few American cities where many people do not drive or there are many pedestrians in the streets, it has also become a mecca for the homeless, many of whom end up on sidewalks and has to beg solicits passersby.

Girl talking to hydrant

One of the referenda that were on the ballot in November with the last midterm elections, was the principal Proposition L. The latter have revealed many people in the street if she was not even a draft proposal in France: it is prohibited from sitting or lying on a sidewalk San Franciscan between 7 am and 11 hours, and provides for fines administered by the police or the prison in case of recurrence.

Actively defended by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, the proposal went through L 54.3% 45.7% cons. All small businesses were also in favor because they think the degree of solicitation of San Franciscans took SDFS significant extent, created a lot of hostility and even threatened tourism.
The exception list printed on the official documentation of Proposition L provides all the same that you can be sitting or lying on sidewalks in San Francisco if you're a child in a stroller! Other exceptions: medical emergencies, people in wheelchairs, expressions of opinion, traders who are within the law (ie they have a license to sell something on the sidewalk), public benches (which are not so many San Francisco), or customers who would line up to some thing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fix Ironing Board Mechanism

India visit of President Sarkozy and Carla by Herve Baudry

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Shirts Go W/ Skinny Jeans

The U.S. economy: an economy Bipolar

economic indicators are followed and do not look alike so that no one knows how often a way to turn!

in real estate sales have exceeded expectations in October, but despite the promotion of Black Friday, the statistics of in-store sales in November were below what was expected. And as bad news never comes alone, this month we learned that the unemployment rate has just re-grow to 9.8% expected.

Empty Nest Syndrome

must, according to analysts, a job creation of about 125,000 a month for the balance of the labor market remains positive, and that the U.S. has enough positions for everyone including those who enter the labor market. The U.S. economy had created 172.000 jobs in October, and this figure dropped to only represent 39.000 creations in November largely because in many areas, there have been layoffs. Another problem: large groups, for the most part, make new profits sometimes solid, but they save instead of creating jobs.

While the United States has a deficit of over $ 13 trillion, the economy shows that it remains fragile and that even if it seems necessary to start worrying about the runaway deficit, this is not the time for the state to adopt initiatives to continue the reboost.

the end of this weekend, the U.S. Congress out of intensive negotiations on the 'Bush tax cuts' and Obama tax cuts'; Bush tax reliefs (for very rich) and Obama. Democrats and Republicans have reached a compromise: Democrats reneged on their immediate desire to get rid of tax breaks for the wealthy, and Republicans have reversed their decision to prevent an expansion of subsidies for the unemployed 2011. Given the critical situation of the job market, subsidies will be maintained for one year.