Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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White House: an Obama victory?

Besides the fact that Obama would have successfully quit smoking for 9 months according to the LA Times, a survey of Wall Street Newspaper claims another victory for the latter this week.

is the "tax cut deal." Obama leaves the rich their tax advantages in exchange for an extension of unemployment for those not lucky enough to be rich. It is also a Republican blackmail which he sold. And where is the victory in all this?


Well you will be struck to know that in spite of those who cried foul and outrage that the decision has provoked among many senators or members of the House Democrats, 61% of the U.S. population supports the deal and believes it was a good compromise in a study NBC / Wall Street Journal. Are in favor of Democrats, Republicans, and not only moderates but also apparently the extremes on both sides. The survey also reveals that 47% of Republicans in the U.S. would be against the compromise in politics, but the majority of Democrats prefer their leaders get results through compromise rather than maintaining their positions do not perform any results.

So yes, this deal is also a sad symbol of what is reduced in American politics. It mixes everything in a bill, and as we negotiate the contract when buying fruits and vegetables: I'll leave the unemployment benefits if you leave me my way taxation George Bush. Seen from the outside if you do not follow too much the reality of legislative politics in the U.S., it's really dramatic to happen there, and yet ...

This deal has the advantage of being concrete, to make things happen in this country where unemployment remains high (it is still at 10% in California which is completely wrong for the United States). Obama has just proved once again that it is not nearly as left as what some (tea partyers and others) like to think.

Another figure of this new poll: whatever their endorsement of his policies, 72% of Americans "like" Obama. After the midterm elections difficult for the Obama campaign, it is he trying to follow the same cycle as Bill Clinton comeback re-election and has the key?


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