Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Shirts Go W/ Skinny Jeans

The U.S. economy: an economy Bipolar

economic indicators are followed and do not look alike so that no one knows how often a way to turn!

in real estate sales have exceeded expectations in October, but despite the promotion of Black Friday, the statistics of in-store sales in November were below what was expected. And as bad news never comes alone, this month we learned that the unemployment rate has just re-grow to 9.8% expected.

Empty Nest Syndrome

must, according to analysts, a job creation of about 125,000 a month for the balance of the labor market remains positive, and that the U.S. has enough positions for everyone including those who enter the labor market. The U.S. economy had created 172.000 jobs in October, and this figure dropped to only represent 39.000 creations in November largely because in many areas, there have been layoffs. Another problem: large groups, for the most part, make new profits sometimes solid, but they save instead of creating jobs.

While the United States has a deficit of over $ 13 trillion, the economy shows that it remains fragile and that even if it seems necessary to start worrying about the runaway deficit, this is not the time for the state to adopt initiatives to continue the reboost.

the end of this weekend, the U.S. Congress out of intensive negotiations on the 'Bush tax cuts' and Obama tax cuts'; Bush tax reliefs (for very rich) and Obama. Democrats and Republicans have reached a compromise: Democrats reneged on their immediate desire to get rid of tax breaks for the wealthy, and Republicans have reversed their decision to prevent an expansion of subsidies for the unemployed 2011. Given the critical situation of the job market, subsidies will be maintained for one year.


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