Sunday, January 2, 2011

Birkenstock Dolphin Mall

FDA, Michelle Obama and the good resolutions of 2011

With the coming new year's resolutions for many but it will be almost a year since the first lady of the United Etas started the project "Let's Move!" (Last February). She has since toured regularly in schools to promote physical activity, salads and healthy meals for the youngest age.

Photo Miami has taken 22 November 2010.

Still on the subject, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has passed new rules to be laid at Congress this month. In the SF Chronicle this Sunday, January 2, 2011, columnist and author of "Food Politics" Marion Nestle announces more firmness on the part of the FDA 2011 Food Standards in the United States.

There will be more lawsuits against false advertising for food, more control at the labels with perhaps a simple visual symbol which will serve as a quick reference on the nutritional value of food. Another fight between the industrial agri-food and the FDA is ongoing because the FDA has even suggested adding a small packaging of lights with color corresponding to categorize products according to their effects on health. The industry does not want to hear about it. According to Marion Nestle, the lobby will be at its height in the new year, and actively directed at associations who fight in the sense of new rules for consumer rights. Huge groups were preparing food has already chopping a sudden check.


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