Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Older Ladies 50in Nylons

The Wild West version of Cape Coral

Without horses, the adventure unfolds with a bicycle as a Jolly Jumper ... but it was Lucky Luke Rantanplan and most of Dalton crazy!
At 20 pm, Lucky Luke (David) decides to go to the saloon (at Hooters) with Jolly Jumper (our bike) for a cup of cold tea, and especially to me again ogling the pretty waitresses). At 22 h 30, we start to worry and I take the car to offer to go with me (bike in the car) because Del Prado Boulevard - which opens on Savona Parkway, where we live) is an artery heavy traffic and the bike has no headlight.

The bike was gone! David, lest the fly, had yet carefully hidden behind a bush near a house ... Well looked after, seeing that there is still light in the house, they ring. A guy suddenly opens the door on us by pointing a loaded pistol! He tells us that the people ringing in at night could cause us serious trouble ... We try to explain calmly and ask him if he had not seen the bike, but still not the type demean his gun. Almost before we slam the door in his face, it starts: "Until the sidewalk is private property here, if someone enters my property at night, I'll shoot. And yes, I found a bicycle and called the cops, they came looking. Call the post.

We came - a trifle shocked - to find our Rantanplan ("when do we eat?") and Barry went to collect the bike today, with apologies Police ...

Monday, January 26, 2009

How Close Are Doctors To A Cure To Diabetes

Equal Opportunities? In theory ...

all starts at the age of kindergarten and already there, competition is fierce. Those who can afford it enroll their children upon birth (or before) in a bilingual nursery where he goes from his 2 years and where we develop its learning ability. For primary school there are like our public schools (community school) and private schools. But teaching in public schools is not the same everywhere. No teacher wants to work in city schools "problem" (read: poor neighborhoods where most blacks and Latinos): So there parachute automatically beginning teachers, who will make the feet and hands to be transferred to a better school as quickly as possible and became involved shortly.
There is no learning as we hear from us: we can learn a trade (business, engineering, agronomy, etc.) to "college" Prices obviously not free. If we had very good grades, it is possible to get a scholarship but with the current crisis, budget cuts are inevitable (and already announced by the Cape Coral Breeze in its latest issue.)
Youth whose parents have only modest means and have made an average schooling must scramble to find a job where they will be trained on the job and badly paid (minimum wage: $ 6 per hour) . It is therefore not surprising that some choose crime, knowing that drug trafficking, for example, they will bring in huge sums very quickly and they will never be unemployed ... In these neighborhoods, gangs rule the roost. In part gives an identity, a sense of belonging, solidarity and mutual assistance there: there, they can climb the corporate ladder and become someone while outside, they are in person a society where what we have is more important than what we are. Of course, it will more of a stay in prison, but it is a matter of pride, a rite of passage that confers a certain prestige.

The brightest students and most persistent have access to university but again, the system is unique, because we find the public and private universities. There is a ranking of the best (which includes Harvard and Yale) and parents often go into debt for life for their children studying there. Include some 22,000 dollars a year, housing and food not included this for 4-6 years. The average salary is 35,000 dollars, the calculation is done quickly: only wealthy families can finance (credit) of study at the best universities. There is however a trick if you're broke, but elite athletes: you can get a scholarship sport / education in some universities. And what happens if you 're millionaire but your offspring do not shine by its intelligence? Do not repeat, but a donation of several million dollars to the university (as a special fund or a scholarship that will bear your name) can arrange many things, especially as your means allow your small to take all his time to reach the ideal degree.

And although the government has made efforts (including affirmative action, a series of measures favoring certain groups who have suffered systematic discrimination because of their gender or ethnicity) to better the prospects less fortunate The capitalist system driven at its height as it exists in the U.S. leaves many young people on the roadside.

To end on a positive note, we should also note that the States remain a country where anything is possible with hard work and determination. The "American miracle" still exists. One example is the plumber who came to fix our flush. He emigrated to the U.S. 19 years ago and started as a simple worker in a large health enterprise. After a few years, he started his account and has provided services to estate agents to monitor and repair the plumbing of homes for sale. Then one day, he was asked if he knew lay tile. He had never done, but he did not hesitate to say "yes" and was launched with the advice of a friend. Sewing up, he learned to do everything from laying carpet to the wallpaper, masonry electricity. Today, it fails to meet demand and is proud to say he goes skiing every winter in Austria and he drives a car at 100,000 dollar paid in full. But he also says that the trades are treated badly and that real estate agents for whom he works have respect for him until the day they seen driving his nice car ...

Cheat On Fire Red Gpsphone

(short) dip in the "culture" American

When it is hot and the work is completed, it is easy to find activities (or inactivity ...) nice: bike rides, chess / Women / Abalone / Rummikub near the pool between two or afternoon dips to Dog Beach. But what happens when it's cold, the north wind blows and that David and Michael turn around? Come on, it's not that difficult ... A drink at Hooters and a game of bowling!

Hooters is almost an institution in the USA. This is a chain of 122 bars and restaurants Existing since 1983, with the basic concept of a beach atmosphere and relax with music "oldies", several TV screens showing the matches of American footbal, basketball or baseball, and menus featuring crab legs fried, fried shrimp, spicy chicken wings, "onion rings" (fried onion rings, I love it) and various sandwiches and salads. The distinctive feature of Hooters waitresses are its very sexy ... Their uniform consists of a small orange shorts and a T-shirt bearing the logo instead of casting chain. The selection criteria are strict, which has also led to legal claims because Hooters employs of plump women or older men and in the kitchen. Competitions and shows Hooters are organized throughout the country: we elect the "Miss Hooters of the month" and it pulls the timing of the most beautiful Hooters waitresses. To learn (and see) more:
After the eyes of these gentlemen have returned to their orbits (...), we went bowling . A first for me! My technique is of course far from elegant, but I managed a few "strikes" under the round eyes of astonishment of David and Michael, so I treated "whippersnappers talking much but doing little about their evidence. "Suddenly, the sting, they gave me quite a lesson in modesty ...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hair Bikers Bombay Aloo Recipe

The miscellaneous category of the week

A 4 year old child takes the gun that his father has not locked up and "play" and shoots his brother and kills 6 years ... The gun was loaded and the safety was not engaged. Police in Cape Coral recently organized a day (free) awareness training for all gun owners in the region. It also recommends that fathers show their children how to check if they were to have on hand, the weapon is unloaded and that the security is.

few days later, a boy of 8 years is effectively implemented what he learned, but not in the expected direction ... His parents are divorced, her mother lives in another state. The child lives with his father and stepmother awarded the slightest mistake by a spanking. The child's account and decided that the bear to a thousand. When the 1001st spanking threat, he took his father's gun, load, remove the safety and aims. The father died instantly.

A small sample of what you can get almost free ...
U.S. law on firearms

Buy and hold: no permit is required for the purchase or possession of a rifle or a pistol. however, are not permitted to purchase or possess a firearm the offenders are stripped of their civil rights, drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally ill.

No person shall sell, give or lend a weapon other than a pocket knife to a minor under 18 years without the permission of their parents (!) or anyone who shows violent intentions.

A minor under 18 years not allowed to own a firearm in his home unless he is pursuing a profession in the field of disorder (police, army, bodyguard, prison guard etc..). Exceptions: Gunsmiths, gun manufacturers, importers, collectors, defenders of order, probation officers.

It is illegal to have to carry a weapon fire without permit to carry a weapon.

  • Persons holding a gun as protection in their homes or their jobs
  • Members of gun clubs (authorization for trips to / from the club)
  • Member clubs of collectors of firearms, ancient and modern (for travel to / from exposure).
  • People who engage in fishing, camping or hunting when performing these activities
  • Persons traveling by private conveyance or public as long as the weapon is secure and that the holder did not have on hand.
  • Persons carrying an unloaded gun, secure and packed, shop at home and / or place of repair and return the weapon.
  • People whose job is to manufacture, repair or trade in arms.
It is legal to possess a firearm without a license for his defense in his personal vehicle as long as the weapon is secure and is not available for immediate use.

This brief extract from the legislation - with a number of exceptions that fully diluted - demonstrates just how easy it is to walk around with a gun. Just turned 18, a criminal record and to go camping ... Firearms have become such a scourge in many large cities, mothers who lost a child victim of a gun created "Mothers Against Arms", an association that fights for the law changes, on their side Fathers created MAD-DADS (Men Against Destruction = MAD). But these organizations are struggling to make weight against the very powerful "National Rifle Association (more than 4 million members), which lobbied in favor of gun and advocates a broad interpretation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution (" A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, it may not be infringed the right of people to keep and bear arms" . It was chaired by Charlton Heston. It defends free trade in firearms training in survival skills of shooting, and sport shooting. It defines weapons possession as a civil right protected by the Bill of Rights.

The number of firearms in the USA increased by some 4 million per year! With, Moreover, all firearms sold hand under the coat. It is estimated that in the U.S., 270 million guns in the hands of civilians! However, even if the number of deaths by firearms is impressive (30,000 annually), it has declined over the last decade: the laws against crime have hardened significantly in almost all states (life imprisonment or death sentence for first degree murder), there are fewer accidents through better education and awareness of gun owners, the campaigns of anti-gun organizations are beginning to bear fruit.

In my opinion, besides the right of everyone to own a weapon, the fact that this country lives in a 2-speed plays a huge role in the crime. Rich and poor live in their respective ghettos, welfare and unemployment benefits are woefully inadequate and already at the school, the social divide is clear. I will touch a word in my next post.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What Does Half Price Books Pay For Books

Keys - Key West Miami

Florida dies in Florida City and Homestead. As a sentence that would leave galloping imagination, it ends with an ellipsis: the Keys. Nearly a thousand islands and islets, sometimes only a few square meters, a road linking the mainland to the island's most southerly course and number of bridges, including the famous 7 Miles Bridge. We spend the night at the motel "Gilbert's Resort in Key Largo. A room with 2 queen beds, but neat summary, a small wood deck faded a trifle shaky overlooking the dock, a table of the same wood and 2 plastic chairs that have seen better days.

This could be a setting to give you the blues, but it has the endearing charm of those old ladies who tell of their former glory with a naughty look even ... few steps along the dock, here's the Tiki bar: a few huts under palm trees, a friendly waitress vulgar, a band playing tunes of the 70s, a few middle-aged Americans to sip their protruding belly that Budweiser leaning on the bar, a couple a little drunk trying to dance, c 'America is popular and friendly ...
The place is not in the guides and it is difficult to find, since the road was destroyed by the last hurricane and must make a detour to get there. We are the only tourists. On the menu, nothing sophisticated: shrimp or fish on the corner, "Rack of BBQ Ribs and / or fried. A delight.

The next day, after another 2 hours away, a sign announces "Key West". And the road runs into a wall bristling with flags. Which way to turn? No matter you are at the end of the world. Afterwards, there is more than the sea .. and Cuba, 90 km away. For right or left, you arrive at Key West tourists, pierced by Duval Street with its restaurants and shops kitsch neck and neck, his air of perpetual holiday, the little train on wheels that serves the bus, his bike rent. The music comes from all windows,
all windows.
Clothes ... it's for dogs!

But take a side street and you change your world: you follow pampered colonial houses with lush gardens,

then at once you arrive on the wings: a small square, the homeless snore while another, sitting on a kayak, braid bowls and hats from palm leaves.

200 years ago, Key West is a mosquito-infested island on which live a few fishermen. But some get the salt trade, a commodity essential to the time for food preservation. And harbor waters, relatively deep, are also an ideal stopover Key West and almost mandatory on the road of "West Indies (Caribbean). However, the reefs surrounding the island would generate a far more lucrative trade that the port duties: a gust of wind, maneuvering a trifle vague, and cargo ships were shipwrecked virtually at your doorstep. Just sit and wait, then go get the goods still usable for sale. Technology helps, vessels become stronger and more sophisticated navigation instruments: the wrecks are not enough to feed their rights. Key West starts the business of the sponge, then with the arrival of Cuban immigrants fleeing the Revolutionary War (which lasted 10 years), in the manufacture of cigars. But the industry collapses with the arrival on the cigarette market. The boom of the 20s used to develop tourism, but not for long. That's Great Depression 30 years, and Key West for bankruptcy, its factories closed, leaving its people, its houses are empty. New twist 15 years later with "pink gold" - a new variety of very tasty shrimp. Then in the late '60s, many artists a bit hippie, a bit idealistic and very misty by hashish and LSD settle. They are still there. Maybe they still indulge in a little smoke makes occasional, and their ideals have not changed ...
Ernest Hemingway, whom his friend in Dos Passos spoke at length, stops in Key West with his young wife on his return to Paris and falls in love Island: "It's like living at the other end of the world while on the last toe of America." He buys a house, takes a lot of fish and cooked the ancient evoke nostalgia vaguely guilty. That Hemingway became the flagship of the city, and refined gentlemen who make you visit his house that evoke his genius, erasing its follies.

Bar Hemingway's favorite, became a tourist trap ...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pinky And The Brain Online Free

We're back with a small expedition of two days and a half toward the Everglades, Miami and the Keys, three of the four points of interest from Florida (the fourth being Disneyworld in Orlando).
Miami and surrounding communities merge into a huge metropolis of over 5 million people, to give you an idea, it takes more than an hour drive (two at peak times) for the journey between the first suburbs and downtown Miami, the heart of the city.

The photo below shows only the center, approximately 1/10th of the city!

Miami took off when Julia Tuttle (who bought a lemon groves on the death of her husband) and Brickell, (co-founder of the city) convinces Henry Morrison Flagler's Florida East Coast Railway to link the city railway network in the 1890s. In the 20s, Miami allowed gambling and does not enforce the ban, causing a massive influx of new residents. Then, when Fidel Castro took power in Cuba in 1959, some 500,000 Cubans emigrated to Miami, which are later added a great number of Haitians (at the time of the famous Papa Doc). Thus were born Little Havana, whose central axis is the 8th Street - everybody called "Calle Ocho" - and Little Haiti. As in any large metropolis, but also the fact that Miami is the "gateway to South America", the crime rate is high and not a day passes without its share of gangland, murders and overdoses .

Miami Downtown business district

Tourism is one of the major resources of the region and the Port of Miami is the largest in the world for cruises, with nearly 4 million passengers per year! Several bridges, including Maccarthur Causeway connects the mainland to Miami Beach, bordered by a sandy beach virtually uninterrupted for nearly 30 km.

There are about ten years, the city decided to restore and preserve an area full of Art Deco buildings : the Miami neighborhood that I prefer. Of course it is very touristy but it is human scale and architecture are beautiful. Ocean Drive, the road that borders the beach around 1 km, is the focal point Young hipsters who friment the terraces at the touch of their mobile plated gold or convertible are revving their latest ...

After his brief trip to Miami, we went toward the Keys, the string of islands that extend south Florida. Their name has nothing to do with keys, but with the English word "cays" ... Thus, the name Key West, where one wonders why it's called the West while it is the most southerly island, is a distortion of Cayos Uessos, the island of bones ... I mention tomorrow?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Buy Nike Freek Wrestling Shoes

Miscellaneous: sell his daughter get her kidney, choose a name much to bear ...

No, I've not forgotten! But ... the work before pleasure! And as always, there are peak periods, then the customers rushed all at once with text to be translated for the eve ...

Michael, the son of my friend Kristel, arrived yesterday evening, exhausted after a 18 hour trip. It's cool with tempeture below average (20 degrees), but they should go back starting tomorrow.

The local television news are a mine of information on trivia - funny or tragic - or in the USA Region:

One man, a few years ago, gave one of his kidneys to his wife, suffering from severe renal failure and dialysis. Today they are in middle of a divorce, and the husband was furious that his wife left him, demands to get his kidney or be compensated at a rate of 1, 5 million. Love and hate, generosity and greed Supreme, these are the contradictions of America ...

A Californian, heavily indebted, has put her 14 years on sale for marriage in exchange for $ 16,000, 100 cases of beer and several batches of meat. Police were informed of the case when the father, a man of 36 years, went to see the complaint because the payment was not made. The man is accused of human trafficking. The teenager left with the buyer of its own, but it has not yet reached the legal age for marriage. The police explained that the wedding arrangements have become a problem in this small rural community in California.

In the living room decorated with books of war, combat knives and swastikas, a toddler of 2 years blond with blue eyes plays avecune plastic dinette. When asked his name, the boy draft a shy smile, ran to hide behind the legs of his father but is not responding. Heath Campbell, 35, father of the child, encourages him: "Tell Adolf" Cambpell enjoins him a Holocaust denier who has 3 children wearing iconic names of Nazism. The parents of the little Hitler Campbell, who is celebrating her 3 years ago today, feel that their child has been abused psychologically: A local supermarket has in fact refused to write "Adolf Hitler on his birthday cake. The same supermarket also opposite the same refusal to Joycelynn Aryan Nation and Himmler Honslynn Campbell, the 2 sisters of Adolf Hitler Campbell, aged 2 and 1 year. Parents are outraged. "It is very sad for my children that the store refuses to make a birthday cake for my children is outrageous." The director of Anti-Defamation League of Philadelphia approved the decision of the supermarket and a psychologist said that these names will pose serious problems for children later. The store manager explained that their business policy is to refuse inappropriate entries on pastries "and we believe qu'inscrire" Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler is a pie inappropriate. "The store has offered to deliver the pie without registration to allow parents to register themselves what they want, but they refused. It will address another store that had agreed to make entries according to their desires for the previous two anniversaries.

We too have our little news story, funny one: Returning from a trip to Dog Beach, we were preceded by a car on top of which stood a pair of red shoes with heels ... Amazing ...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gameshark Cheat On Gpsphone

They have not finished to surprise me!

I'm always on the lookout for information coming out of the ordinary to share with you and make interesting reading the blog. Today I was shocked and amused.
Amused by this ad:
"Female affectionate and healthy, aged 87, seeks man with no financial problems, 80 to 99 years. Move in with me in my comfortable home and forget about loneliness."

Shocked by an article in the American edition of Marie Claire: How
Avec l'économie qui s'effondre et nos cartes de crédit avec, payer le loyer peut exiger de sortir des sentiers battus. Voici le cours actuel de vos organes:

Cerveau: $10.- pour 1 heure de recherches universitaires en psychologie
Cheveux: $1000.- pour 30 cm de cheveux en bon état
Sang: $240 par mois pour 2 prises de plaquettes sanguines par semaine
Ovules: $7000.- à $ 10'000.-
Moëlle osseuse: $450.- par séance
Corps: $600.- à $10'000.- (selon la durée et les risques) comme guinea pig for testing pharmaceutical
Rein: $ 35,000 .- to 100,000 .- $

Monday, January 5, 2009

Professional Hair Dye Fade Quickly


We suspected: American television is advertising occasionally interrupted by several minutes of broadcast advertising ... How American is it different? The rules and ethics on prevailing in Europe are not over here.
This shows spots where doctors tout their practice or clinic, the argument sometimes put focus on the technical side, sometimes on the human and relational, sometimes on rates. The pub drugs is also authorized: sleeping pills, painkillers, anti-depressants are unbridled competition ... To believe that all Americans are insomniacs, the brink of suicide or crippled with rheumatism!
Law firms, meanwhile, you dangle money to take if you give them your case you have been injured in a car accident? You've stumbled th fell on a sidewalk in poor condition? You could see them, they will not ask for fees, but a certain percentage (40-50%) damages our ability to achieve ...
In terms of consumer products, mention namely - by openly criticizing - the products of the competition. For example, a new fast-food burger boasts its showing a sampling of 2 burgers by persons deemed to have no point of comparison: Papuans, Turkmen or Tuaregs in traditional dress (although caricatured, should not we think they are westernized!). Every bite your teeth turn into one then the other hamburgers, with many rave expressiveness and spit on one another with a disgusted look. It then reveals the packaging: the "good" burger is the brand-vaunted the other comes from McDonald's ...

We capture some 90 TV channels.
Local channels : deadly dull. Budgets are certainly more modest, since we see so eternally the same studio and the same interviewing political leaders of the region against the backdrop of cardboard. I yawn just to talk to you!
chains sports: baseball, football, basketball, for both boxing and wrestling. A chain is specialized in golf, which attracts thousands of enthusiasts to Florida (not only Cape Coral, there must be 9 or 10 golf courses). Not my cup of tea.
religious channels: a speaker or a speaker enthusiastically explains Bible in hand, with great fanfare choir dressed in garish satin swaying from one foot to the other, singing hymns, what to To find: an exciting and well paid / ideal spouse / children ideal / real friends. And if it does not come, is that: you do not trust God enough / you have not sinned and asked forgiveness God / checks if the blow you just start to collect your faith / you do not pray enough ... If you're swell, you can zap the following string, where Jane Doe is for you, woman, giving you a clear conscience by saying that God is good and the small pleasures are not a sin. She also won a resounding success with his latest book, "Eat the cake and bought a pair of shoes (yes, yes, true!).
chain TRU-TV shows 24 h/24 videos "most burglars ...": the dumbest (video surveillance in stores), speeders wildest, most spectacular prosecutions etc.. Often funny, but quite repetitive.
chain Animal Planet ensures strong emotions: rescue by "animal cops" pet abuse (it may take a specialized police force working full time is instructive) or detailed reconstructions of attacks by sharks, crocodiles, lions, bears, snakes, interspersed with video taken from life and close-ups of torn flesh. Not really for kids ...
Two channels are devoted to tele-shopping (one rather oriented trinkets and jewelry, the other devices on the miracle that will give you a wink in a flat belly and thighs of steel) another chain This real estate offers homes with presentations and advice to increase the value of yours and sell it better. Apart from that, there are of course the classic Disney Channel, CNN, Cartoon, Discovery, and Family.

Personally, if I follow the news on CNN and Fox TV, I'm a fan of "48 hours" - a program that shows the work of investigators during the first 48 hours after a crime - and "Forensic Files", focuses more on scientific medicine. A trifle morbid, I admit, but an addict thrillers never change ...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mino Hd And Ultra Hd Difference

Water and Fire ... Lake Okeechobee and a fire in the neighborhood

Lake Okeechobee is the second largest lake wholly owned by the USA (the other being Lake Michigan). For many years, its waters and those rivers that feed was pumped to irrigate orange groves and sugar cane in the region, which is the largest producer of sugar and citrus United States . As its maximum depth is 3 meters, it has dried up and absorbed like a sponge brackish waters of the Everglades swamp, unusable for irrigation as they are salty ... So after we had spent millions of dollars to divert the rivers, build dams and create irrigation channels, has been spent yet more millions to "turn the tide" and build a dike around the lake so that the rainwater meet again ... Ecology from still far behind the economy, industries of sugar cane and agricultural areas are not much ceased to dump their waste.
Satellite view of Lake Okeechobee
An eminent scientist described the many absurd and work implemented by engineers totally unaware of the consequences tragic their projects as "the greatest environmental disaster in America in recent decades." In 2000, under pressure from the associations for the protection of nature, a charter lake restoration to its original state and Environmental Protection has finally been signed. But that human intervention has stupidly destroyed for economic reasons does not recreate a magic wand ...
last year, taking advantage of an extreme drought, authorities dredged the lake bottom to clean up its toxic sludge. Their analysis found arsenic levels four times higher than the accepted norm! During this drought, water has dropped so low that the lake bottom and organic materials have been exposed and caught fire ... Then in August, heavy rains were then pushed the level of more than 1m 50, suddenly changing the ecosystem and killing thousands of fish and thus the birds that fed on them.
For us, everything we've seen from the dam lake is grassy (it was still necessary to find, coming from the west, a place where to access them; tourniqué was over an hour !) and beyond, a vast swamp unattractive where water frothed like washing powder ... Nature is still tough as Lake Okeechobee is infested with alligators: you should not soak your feet there, even in shallow waters. These reptiles are apparently slow-witted lightning fast and many tourists have left their naive leg.
We returned by way round, through the huge fragrant orange groves and sugar cane fields, stopping for a snack. No luck, it is not yet mature and has no taste ... For oranges, signs warning the poacher of the penalty for trespassing and theft have deterred from enjoying one! But we will soon visit a farm where citrus we will not risk the intervention of "cops" on which side our police officers are models of delicacy and courtesy ...
In the miscellaneous category, an event that has disrupted the quiet of the neighborhood. A few days ago, a man set fire to the house belonging to his girlfriend and then shot himself in the head. And as the houses have a wooden frame covered with drywall, the fire spread very quickly. By the time firefighters arrived, there was hardly anything left to save. But if the man was desperate, He loved animals: he took the precaution of having the cat out before setting fire ... The poor animal was found at the bottom of the garden and smoky tempered by abundant watering by firefighters.

Barbara spoke of the event while we were walking our dogs. While I was putting in place of the wife and I imagined the emotional impact of the event, the grieving to do, feelings of guilt when spouse commits suicide, personal belongings and memories destroyed, she was concerned about the financial situation: the house was insured against fire, but when the fire was set intentionally, the insurance does not pay a dime of course. And life of the gentleman for his girlfriend does not cover death by suicide. That may be a caricature, but you can not help thinking that death is less severe here than the lack of money, especially as the journalist's article makes it clear that the house was worth 500 ' 000 dollars but nowhere evoke the human side ...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Prostitutas Des Nudas

See you later, alligator!

To mark the last day of the year, a tower in the Everglades was needed, especially Helga and Herbert spent in this region in coming, but do not stop there. But Helga fearing that as many mosquitoes alligators, she preferred to devote a day of reading and sunbathing and I'm leaving with Herbert (Alain has already made the trip with me 2 years ago). There are 2 types of boat propellers to a flat bottom to explore the Everglades: larger emmènent thirty people, small up to 6, they also have the advantage of being able to sneak into the passages closer to the mangroves. The ear protectors are necessary, given the engine is out of the water, protected by a simple grid. These trips are obviously the attraction of the region and we have been prudent to reserve the day before. I did well because there is a queue of 20 people waiting their turn and who will have to wait 2-3 hours. The ticket includes the inevitable souvenir shop: endless T-shirt "Florida" and "Everglades", shells, posters, mugs printed, and of course heads and legs of alligators. The tower is a little disappointing, although the scenery is worth the trip: a single alligator wants to show the tip of her nose and there is almost no birds. It seems that the last hurricane has caused so much damage in the Everglades and winds have destroyed most of the nests. It will take several years for the diversity and number of birds returning to normal.
Herbert I propose to push a little further toward Miami because during our last stay in Florida, we found an old road parallel to the highway, whose course had been classified nature reserve. Perhaps there would we more likely to see animals, but must still find it! We arrive in the Indian territory surrendered Mikokoolie and we stopped in a shop for ask where is this famous road: the young man to whom we go live in the area since birth and is already gone to Miami (about sixty km), it never went beyond the village the other direction. This is not the first time we see the almost total lack of curiosity of Americans for their region, their fauna and flora. They know the route from home to work or to stores (possibly the church) and basta! We eventually find tourists who have a detailed map and tell us that the old road is indicated by only a small sign "loop road" that we can easily be missed. After several miles, finally we end up finding. And there is magic! You can stop almost anywhere and see ibis, marabout, kites, vultures, and of course the famous alligators ...

This one is a beautiful adult over two meters that sits (or lies in wait for his dessert?) At 1m 50 away from the road and therefore our calves!

Large ibis are very frightened: they are not afraid of cars, but once you stop the engine, they fly away ... To photograph them, we So we left the car and slowly walked a hundred yards off, making us as small and unobtrusive as possible. Two seconds later they were gone: the click of the camera was enough to scare them away ...

's Eve was more than quiet: After we feasted on barbecued prawns, accompanied by a refreshing green salad and good wine, we looked at the clock: 21 hours only and all world yawned to jaw-dropping ... In short, I do not know if it's the climate or age, but everyone was exhausted and went to bed at 22 pm (except me, as usual)! The champagne had waited overnight in the fridge ...