Monday, January 5, 2009

Professional Hair Dye Fade Quickly


We suspected: American television is advertising occasionally interrupted by several minutes of broadcast advertising ... How American is it different? The rules and ethics on prevailing in Europe are not over here.
This shows spots where doctors tout their practice or clinic, the argument sometimes put focus on the technical side, sometimes on the human and relational, sometimes on rates. The pub drugs is also authorized: sleeping pills, painkillers, anti-depressants are unbridled competition ... To believe that all Americans are insomniacs, the brink of suicide or crippled with rheumatism!
Law firms, meanwhile, you dangle money to take if you give them your case you have been injured in a car accident? You've stumbled th fell on a sidewalk in poor condition? You could see them, they will not ask for fees, but a certain percentage (40-50%) damages our ability to achieve ...
In terms of consumer products, mention namely - by openly criticizing - the products of the competition. For example, a new fast-food burger boasts its showing a sampling of 2 burgers by persons deemed to have no point of comparison: Papuans, Turkmen or Tuaregs in traditional dress (although caricatured, should not we think they are westernized!). Every bite your teeth turn into one then the other hamburgers, with many rave expressiveness and spit on one another with a disgusted look. It then reveals the packaging: the "good" burger is the brand-vaunted the other comes from McDonald's ...

We capture some 90 TV channels.
Local channels : deadly dull. Budgets are certainly more modest, since we see so eternally the same studio and the same interviewing political leaders of the region against the backdrop of cardboard. I yawn just to talk to you!
chains sports: baseball, football, basketball, for both boxing and wrestling. A chain is specialized in golf, which attracts thousands of enthusiasts to Florida (not only Cape Coral, there must be 9 or 10 golf courses). Not my cup of tea.
religious channels: a speaker or a speaker enthusiastically explains Bible in hand, with great fanfare choir dressed in garish satin swaying from one foot to the other, singing hymns, what to To find: an exciting and well paid / ideal spouse / children ideal / real friends. And if it does not come, is that: you do not trust God enough / you have not sinned and asked forgiveness God / checks if the blow you just start to collect your faith / you do not pray enough ... If you're swell, you can zap the following string, where Jane Doe is for you, woman, giving you a clear conscience by saying that God is good and the small pleasures are not a sin. She also won a resounding success with his latest book, "Eat the cake and bought a pair of shoes (yes, yes, true!).
chain TRU-TV shows 24 h/24 videos "most burglars ...": the dumbest (video surveillance in stores), speeders wildest, most spectacular prosecutions etc.. Often funny, but quite repetitive.
chain Animal Planet ensures strong emotions: rescue by "animal cops" pet abuse (it may take a specialized police force working full time is instructive) or detailed reconstructions of attacks by sharks, crocodiles, lions, bears, snakes, interspersed with video taken from life and close-ups of torn flesh. Not really for kids ...
Two channels are devoted to tele-shopping (one rather oriented trinkets and jewelry, the other devices on the miracle that will give you a wink in a flat belly and thighs of steel) another chain This real estate offers homes with presentations and advice to increase the value of yours and sell it better. Apart from that, there are of course the classic Disney Channel, CNN, Cartoon, Discovery, and Family.

Personally, if I follow the news on CNN and Fox TV, I'm a fan of "48 hours" - a program that shows the work of investigators during the first 48 hours after a crime - and "Forensic Files", focuses more on scientific medicine. A trifle morbid, I admit, but an addict thrillers never change ...


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