Monday, January 26, 2009

How Close Are Doctors To A Cure To Diabetes

Equal Opportunities? In theory ...

all starts at the age of kindergarten and already there, competition is fierce. Those who can afford it enroll their children upon birth (or before) in a bilingual nursery where he goes from his 2 years and where we develop its learning ability. For primary school there are like our public schools (community school) and private schools. But teaching in public schools is not the same everywhere. No teacher wants to work in city schools "problem" (read: poor neighborhoods where most blacks and Latinos): So there parachute automatically beginning teachers, who will make the feet and hands to be transferred to a better school as quickly as possible and became involved shortly.
There is no learning as we hear from us: we can learn a trade (business, engineering, agronomy, etc.) to "college" Prices obviously not free. If we had very good grades, it is possible to get a scholarship but with the current crisis, budget cuts are inevitable (and already announced by the Cape Coral Breeze in its latest issue.)
Youth whose parents have only modest means and have made an average schooling must scramble to find a job where they will be trained on the job and badly paid (minimum wage: $ 6 per hour) . It is therefore not surprising that some choose crime, knowing that drug trafficking, for example, they will bring in huge sums very quickly and they will never be unemployed ... In these neighborhoods, gangs rule the roost. In part gives an identity, a sense of belonging, solidarity and mutual assistance there: there, they can climb the corporate ladder and become someone while outside, they are in person a society where what we have is more important than what we are. Of course, it will more of a stay in prison, but it is a matter of pride, a rite of passage that confers a certain prestige.

The brightest students and most persistent have access to university but again, the system is unique, because we find the public and private universities. There is a ranking of the best (which includes Harvard and Yale) and parents often go into debt for life for their children studying there. Include some 22,000 dollars a year, housing and food not included this for 4-6 years. The average salary is 35,000 dollars, the calculation is done quickly: only wealthy families can finance (credit) of study at the best universities. There is however a trick if you're broke, but elite athletes: you can get a scholarship sport / education in some universities. And what happens if you 're millionaire but your offspring do not shine by its intelligence? Do not repeat, but a donation of several million dollars to the university (as a special fund or a scholarship that will bear your name) can arrange many things, especially as your means allow your small to take all his time to reach the ideal degree.

And although the government has made efforts (including affirmative action, a series of measures favoring certain groups who have suffered systematic discrimination because of their gender or ethnicity) to better the prospects less fortunate The capitalist system driven at its height as it exists in the U.S. leaves many young people on the roadside.

To end on a positive note, we should also note that the States remain a country where anything is possible with hard work and determination. The "American miracle" still exists. One example is the plumber who came to fix our flush. He emigrated to the U.S. 19 years ago and started as a simple worker in a large health enterprise. After a few years, he started his account and has provided services to estate agents to monitor and repair the plumbing of homes for sale. Then one day, he was asked if he knew lay tile. He had never done, but he did not hesitate to say "yes" and was launched with the advice of a friend. Sewing up, he learned to do everything from laying carpet to the wallpaper, masonry electricity. Today, it fails to meet demand and is proud to say he goes skiing every winter in Austria and he drives a car at 100,000 dollar paid in full. But he also says that the trades are treated badly and that real estate agents for whom he works have respect for him until the day they seen driving his nice car ...


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