Friday, January 2, 2009

Prostitutas Des Nudas

See you later, alligator!

To mark the last day of the year, a tower in the Everglades was needed, especially Helga and Herbert spent in this region in coming, but do not stop there. But Helga fearing that as many mosquitoes alligators, she preferred to devote a day of reading and sunbathing and I'm leaving with Herbert (Alain has already made the trip with me 2 years ago). There are 2 types of boat propellers to a flat bottom to explore the Everglades: larger emmènent thirty people, small up to 6, they also have the advantage of being able to sneak into the passages closer to the mangroves. The ear protectors are necessary, given the engine is out of the water, protected by a simple grid. These trips are obviously the attraction of the region and we have been prudent to reserve the day before. I did well because there is a queue of 20 people waiting their turn and who will have to wait 2-3 hours. The ticket includes the inevitable souvenir shop: endless T-shirt "Florida" and "Everglades", shells, posters, mugs printed, and of course heads and legs of alligators. The tower is a little disappointing, although the scenery is worth the trip: a single alligator wants to show the tip of her nose and there is almost no birds. It seems that the last hurricane has caused so much damage in the Everglades and winds have destroyed most of the nests. It will take several years for the diversity and number of birds returning to normal.
Herbert I propose to push a little further toward Miami because during our last stay in Florida, we found an old road parallel to the highway, whose course had been classified nature reserve. Perhaps there would we more likely to see animals, but must still find it! We arrive in the Indian territory surrendered Mikokoolie and we stopped in a shop for ask where is this famous road: the young man to whom we go live in the area since birth and is already gone to Miami (about sixty km), it never went beyond the village the other direction. This is not the first time we see the almost total lack of curiosity of Americans for their region, their fauna and flora. They know the route from home to work or to stores (possibly the church) and basta! We eventually find tourists who have a detailed map and tell us that the old road is indicated by only a small sign "loop road" that we can easily be missed. After several miles, finally we end up finding. And there is magic! You can stop almost anywhere and see ibis, marabout, kites, vultures, and of course the famous alligators ...

This one is a beautiful adult over two meters that sits (or lies in wait for his dessert?) At 1m 50 away from the road and therefore our calves!

Large ibis are very frightened: they are not afraid of cars, but once you stop the engine, they fly away ... To photograph them, we So we left the car and slowly walked a hundred yards off, making us as small and unobtrusive as possible. Two seconds later they were gone: the click of the camera was enough to scare them away ...

's Eve was more than quiet: After we feasted on barbecued prawns, accompanied by a refreshing green salad and good wine, we looked at the clock: 21 hours only and all world yawned to jaw-dropping ... In short, I do not know if it's the climate or age, but everyone was exhausted and went to bed at 22 pm (except me, as usual)! The champagne had waited overnight in the fridge ...


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