Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kiosk Rent At Perimeter Mall Atlanta

Getting up before dawn? Yes, it happens!

Yesterday, as every Saturday, we went to the "farmers' market" freshly caught tuna and shrimp, tomatoes, zucchini, tangerines and bagels (typically a bun New York, nature, onions or grapes, much better than the local bread, more reminiscent of the sponge that crusty baguette!). There is always entertainment market. This time, a very original car carelessly, that really rolls and has also traveled over 34,000 miles (1 mile = 1.6 kilometers) since its construction in 2006, which is more than all the cars here (the people change every year, if not more often ...)
And 2 dogs, obviously quite pleased to be the stars of the day, installed in a toy car. These Americans, really, they have imagination!
Last night the clocks were set at 4 am for Alain, Herbert and I (Helga wants to sleep) ... The island of Sanibel , about 40 minutes by car is famous for its shellfish. And given the number of amateurs, it is recommended to walk at dawn. We therefore arrive at the biggest beach of the island to 5 h1 / 2, and it's still dark. At 6 o'clock morning two fishermen appear: they tell us that the sun will not rise before 7 pm! So we return all three to the car, Alan and Herbert settle before using their sweater as a pillow while I slip into the tailgate, the best place (hey hey) I can sleep a little bent but c is not bad and there is coverage of Joy - which feels a bit like a wet dog, but I'm not sensitive - to keep me warm because it is 15 degrees morning. We all slept like dormice over an hour! At the beach, dozens of people already roam the sand, but far enough from where we are, so we have a chance to find many shells and see a gorgeous sunrise.

In return, I'll knock at Barbara, who has lived here for about 20 years, she explains how to prepare for the critters. It opens eyes wide with amazement: she has never cooked seafood "cooked". Besides shrimp, she bought pre-cooked or eaten in restaurant ... So I improvise: 3 minutes in boiling water, "skinning" and presto, a small blow to the pan with garlic butter. Some shells are a little rubbery, but the taste is delicious! And I will restore shellfish that we ourselves have collected and eaten, not those found in souvenir shops. Still, as Americans who have lived here for decades are never themselves gone fishing for shellfish all costs and have no idea how they are prepared, it makes me fall socks. .. As my sister in law Denise (big kisses her and Michel by the way): "These Americans are definitely not like us"!


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