Monday, December 22, 2008

High Soft Closed Cervix Week Before Period

Boat Parade

exist in Cape tradition that has endured for 32 years: the Boat Parade which takes place on Sunday evening before Christmas. A neighbor (who was very proud to say that he had visited he saw Switzerland = Bern, Montreux and Zermatt), which we recommended the event. Cape Coral is punctuated by numerous canals, boat owners are numerous. And this Sunday, hundreds of floating candles and decorated gathered in a basin, surrounded by the "4 Freedoms Park, where bleachers had been erected for the public. On a stage, local artists sang Christmas carols that we "come out through the holes in the nose" to force hear it everywhere: in magazines, on TV, radio, there are only for "Rudy the red nose deer "," I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, "" Gingle Bells "and other Christmas Here ...
So hundreds of people, their folding chair under one arm and a hearty picnic under the other went to the park and never miss the sepctacle. Luckily we went more than an hour before sunset. We have found a place in the stands (a little hard, but it was better than staying up) and have patiently waited until 19 hours. The show was worth it, the kayak paddles illuminated with a small mat on which was mounted a Christmas tree with large yachts of almost 20 meters through the sailboats, all had outbid in streamers, inflatable Santa and Reindeer ... Then the boats paraded around the pool before going through the channels with the broadest. You see ... it happens sometimes when something in Cape Coral!


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