Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Long Does Temazepam Take To Effect

The "soap opera" tragic holding the breath in Florida

In June, the little Caylee Anthony disappeared his home in suburban Orlando.

His young mother Casey (she was a teenager when his daughter was born) said she was abducted by the woman who kept the girl who disappeared the same day, but it has reported her daughter missing until July. Search notices were immediately launched, putting up posters in stores, the police investigation firm. The weeks and months pass. Caylee is not found. But police found that the story of the mother is lame, he is reproached for not having raised the alarm immediately and she is incarcerated. Florida is divided into two camps: those who think the mother knows more than she is willing to say and those who find it disgusting encloses a young woman on the basis of vague assumptions.

The news is gradually up to hurricanes and floods this summer with their train of cities devastated and in tears families who have lost everything. Then came the presidential election takes center stage. But two weeks ago, the case comes to the forefront of local news: a television channel managed to get a video of a visit to Casey's parents to jail. Inmate says up hope that her daughter is still alive, but no expressions of emotion when she recounts the harsh living conditions and poor food in the detention center, asking his parents to bring him candy and cosmetics. Psychiatrists are interviewed: some believe that this indifference is suspect, others that is normal, after months of worry and grief, that Casey evening depressed and folded in on itself. Legal experts discuss farm: is it legitimate to imprison a woman simply because we find no evidence that his story and presents some curious gaps?

Last week, the case bounced and made it to all TV channels: one found at 600 meters from the house of the mother, garbage bags containing the bones of children. Do they belong to Caylee or another of dozens of children who disappear each year in the U.S.? Identification is difficult because with the floods, the bag has been derived and may have been discovered far from where it was deposited. It is the analysis of DNA that has finally lifted yesterday the mystery: it is indeed the little Caylee. But too much time has passed so we can immediately determine the cause of death. What investigators know, however, through analysis of computer hard disk for Casey is that it has researched on the Internet about chloroform and its effects. Dr. Garavaglia, a forensic pathologist known for the documentary series which has been the subject (and we've seen on Channel Planet), is now trying without much hope of finding traces of this substance in the remains of the girl.

Tongues are loosened: neighbors reportedly heard an argument and shouting on the day of the disappearance of Caylee. Should we take these allegations seriously or is it, as often happens, to be for a few hours the center of media attention and being on television? Moreover, relatives of the family say that the pregnancy was unwanted and that it was his parents who pushed Cassie to keep the child. The motive could be there: a mother too young, an unwanted child that prevents him from living his youth, unable to cope, frustration leading to the development of a murder disguised as a kidnapping ... But we need evidence, a prima facie evidence to convince a jury or a confession. For now, there is neither the one nor the other. But public opinion has shifted and Framed Casey. And Journalists have done so much froth and blackened Case Casey are now trying to argue that it is presumed innocent until the trial ... Casey's lawyer, meanwhile said "you do not know half the story, you will discover at trial."

Legally, there are three possible ways: one is that Casey is acquitted for lack of evidence, which seems highly unlikely, the second is that it makes an agreement with the law and pleads guilty, not risking " that "to spend his life in prison. The latest is that it admits nothing, but she is convicted by the court and there is the death penalty it risk.


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