Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snl Christopher Lowell Skit Nbc

Imagination can be expensive ...

A news story rather original!

At the end of last year, Meagan's boyfriend left her (she lives in Miami) and returned to live in Boston, across the country. He no longer loves her, she still loves him passionately. Shortly after, she discovers she is pregnant and inform the father, holding then month after month during the course of pregnancy and ultrasound results. After the baby is born, she regularly sends pictures and he finally decided to return to the holidays to get to know her little Riley, now a few months old. When he landed the plane on Christmas Day, Meagan awaits him, distraught and in tears the baby was kidnapped a few hours earlier, police did extensive research throughout the region and organizes beaten, mobilizing dozens of agents. A local television, the story is the one: we see her friend Meagan and start sobbing in front of the cameras this message: "Please, help us find our baby! You that we have removed, I do not will create trouble, but I beg you, have mercy on us and let our little Riley to spend his first Christmas with his parents! ". Any American shuddered and telephone lines are saturated with calls from people who think they have recognized the baby close to home. Riley remains found.
But police found that the story of the mother has some curious inconsistencies. Nobody in the neighborhood has never seen or heard baby crying, Meagan's family (who lives in another state) knows nothing about the existence of Riley, the business of brand new baby, packets of layers and powdered milk for babies are not initiated, it can give the name of any pediatrician, and the birth is declared in any register ...
After several hours of interrogation, she confessed the truth: she has been pregnant but had a miscarriage at 3 months. She thought that this pregnancy was an unstoppable way to maintain ties with her ex-boyfriend and he has carefully concealed her miscarriage. But she did not think he would even make the trip (about 2000 km) for Christmas ... He must therefore urgently find a way to justify the absence of any baby ... It is thus went to buy a crib, clothes and toys she kept in the so-called baby's room and phoned the police saying that her little Riley was gone! And the pictures of the baby? Stitched on the Internet, simply.
Meagan was arrested for having given false information to police and fined the equivalent number of hours worked by all police officers mobilized to find a nonexistent Riley. In my opinion, it also needs a good shrink! But it is doubtful if it has "all the cups the cabinet, "let us not worry too much for the financial future of this gifted actress ... No doubt a publisher will rush to buy the story, then a producer in Hollywood make a film that goes carton!


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