Thursday, December 11, 2008

Operation Repo The Movie Free

The financial crisis has struck again

This morning the phone rings ... This is Barbara (our landlord) who warns us that we could have a visit from a person providing the documents and that nothing should be signed, but just take any documents and tell the person to apply to them (who live across the street). To be sure to identify the right person, I ask what kind of documents question. And then we fall from the clouds ... Barbara explains, her throat tightened, the economic situation forces them to sell the house we're staying! Our stay is fortunately not questioned because the sale will be effective only in several months, but it's a shock.
This couple apparently qu'aisé, owner of several houses, a yacht and two cars, which is reduced to trying to sell urgently its properties before they were seized, at the worst time since the market collapsed and the houses are sold off. Real estate agencies also are trying to lure potential customers with discounts up to 20% off the asking price there is still little!
In fact, we see once again that we really never pay what you buy here, just to pay interest on loans they obtained. And when these interests amounted to several thousand dollars per month, absorbing the bulk of income, it does not take much for everything changes. Interests that we can no longer pay on time in addition to large penalties for delay, if it is unable to rectify the situation, he must sell to avoid foreclosure. If we imagine that Barbara and Barry took a loan of 450,000 dollars for this house and they get to sell it for 350,000, He will still be a debt of 100,000 dollars which they pay interest throughout their lives when they have more home ...

The situation in this region of Florida is dramatic. Many people find themselves on the street and a few days ago, the paper contained a long article on families who had to leave their homes to move into mobile homes at the campsite ... The city of Cape Coral has established a program called "Adopt a family for Christmas" (adopt a family for Christmas). Go Register for a family for Christmas: it offers $ 50 for meals and gifts for each child. Another article gave advice on how to tell children they will not have the gifts on their list to Santa and suggested gift ideas to make your own. We must say here that if we regret that Christmas is a celebration if commercial, here it takes on gigantic proportions! Two television channels devoted 24 hours 24 to teleshopping and of course, right now, everything is focused on Christmas, but in a rather perverse. Advertising plays on the fact that people have less money, but want to save face. Basically, it gives: "Your dream woman a jewel and you can not afford? Buy this beautiful necklace which will delight ... His finishes are so perfect that no one will see that it's fake and that you have paid only $ 29! ".

We find this state spirit in the house. Ours has exterior walls that seem to have a thickness of about 20 cm, but if you look closely, the wall is at most 8-10 cm thick and the rest, c is an addition to drywall that rings hollow ... The furniture appeared to be solid wood, but plastic, our table looks to be painted rattan cream, but c is a synthetic resin ...

is a society where appearances count alone and posing. Whatever that quality is mediocre, as long as "it throws".


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