Monday, December 15, 2008

Russian Family Maturist

gonna hurt ... and it will be worse tomorrow

I'm hunting for information or events of interest and I would have liked to give you less gloomy news from Florida, but unfortunately, the situation here worse. I'm flipping through the Coral Breeze and the official newspaper of the city in search of a news item fun or upbeat news, there is depression ... The city is providing funding to as we continue to maintain the gardens in abandoned houses. Why? Because a property decaying undermined the value of those around him and attracts squatters and thieves.

The Cape Coral again no.1 seizures of property, which had fallen from 9% in October, but increased again by 68% in November: a house of 59 is entered and if we think the USA, over 90% of the population has bought a house, it means that some 3000 owners are insolvent nothing to Cape Coral!
Authorities fear a decline of 35% income tax in Cape Coral. Coping with the loss of his emplo i.

And as a corollary ... 8 Gifts Under $ 15, for example, "give your Time: offer vouchers for homemade cookies or a few hours of help to the household "," M & M mix of green and red with dried fruit and pack it all in a cellophane bag with a pretty ribbon, "" plan a visit full of surprises on your home (scatter candy in every room )(??), "buy multipacks of colorful soaps on sale and separately wrap each soap" ...
the Holidays large but low price: we advise you to invite your friends and neighbors to "take a leap." Offer them some crackers and a glass of sparkling wine will strain your budget less than inviting for a meal. An example is a family that immigrated from Germany after the war - it currently has 4 generations and 63 people - who gave up on gifts for adults, but maintains the tradition by meeting the whole family for a meal (everyone brings contribution) and Christmas carols.

The gloom is everywhere and evokes the postwar period, when women's magazines explain how to vary recipes from newspapers or rutabagas how to transform a shabby dress as a model for every day ...
It should be noted that U.S. wages are much lower than ours, so that if the houses are cheaper, the cost of living is almost equivalent, and a car (or two) is essential. I give you some examples:
Head Office in Government: $ 35,473 / year (= CHF 3418.-/mois)
Store Manager: $ 42,226 / year (CHF 4067 .- / months)
Lawyer: $ 68,720 (CHF 6620.-/mois)
And if you're interested, I found this information on a site that compares average salaries in the United States, but also in many other countries.


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