Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby Shower Funny Messages

The trouble with a dog ...

A bookstore? A 1 km from us? Cultural irresistible after withdrawal of 2 weeks! We decide to walk there, under the astonished gaze of the motorist whose car is in lieu of prosthetic legs ... A good opportunity to Joy walk a little further than usual.

The trouble with a dog is that does not needs to order. However, it is imperative here to pick up the droppings, even on the median between two lanes of traffic where nobody will ever set foot. We have already seen that there is no distributor for excrement bags to use in areas where dogs can be let loose. They are rare. American dogs pose do they poop than when off?

We initially treasured plastic bags generously awarded in the stores and found it somewhat disproportionate and impractical to walk with a bag that can hold 5 kg of goods ... So we made a generous supply of bags and ad hoc Dogbeach not leave without ever having one in your pocket. Here we are heading for the bookstore. A few hundred yards away, Joy made his poop that - civilized people - we pick up carefully while waiting to cross the first bin. Nothing. Not a single bin. We toyed with the idea of getting rid of that damned bag sliding into a mailbox (there are no shortages!), Then have wisely placed behind a post before entering the library for leaving again. Some observers have been few, we promised to be more attentive to the dustbins on the way back (each taking turns at the dog and the bag to evenly distribute the feeling of ridicule). Well ... we came home with the bag!


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