Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hair Bikers Bombay Aloo Recipe

The miscellaneous category of the week

A 4 year old child takes the gun that his father has not locked up and "play" and shoots his brother and kills 6 years ... The gun was loaded and the safety was not engaged. Police in Cape Coral recently organized a day (free) awareness training for all gun owners in the region. It also recommends that fathers show their children how to check if they were to have on hand, the weapon is unloaded and that the security is.

few days later, a boy of 8 years is effectively implemented what he learned, but not in the expected direction ... His parents are divorced, her mother lives in another state. The child lives with his father and stepmother awarded the slightest mistake by a spanking. The child's account and decided that the bear to a thousand. When the 1001st spanking threat, he took his father's gun, load, remove the safety and aims. The father died instantly.

A small sample of what you can get almost free ...
U.S. law on firearms

Buy and hold: no permit is required for the purchase or possession of a rifle or a pistol. however, are not permitted to purchase or possess a firearm the offenders are stripped of their civil rights, drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally ill.

No person shall sell, give or lend a weapon other than a pocket knife to a minor under 18 years without the permission of their parents (!) or anyone who shows violent intentions.

A minor under 18 years not allowed to own a firearm in his home unless he is pursuing a profession in the field of disorder (police, army, bodyguard, prison guard etc..). Exceptions: Gunsmiths, gun manufacturers, importers, collectors, defenders of order, probation officers.

It is illegal to have to carry a weapon fire without permit to carry a weapon.

  • Persons holding a gun as protection in their homes or their jobs
  • Members of gun clubs (authorization for trips to / from the club)
  • Member clubs of collectors of firearms, ancient and modern (for travel to / from exposure).
  • People who engage in fishing, camping or hunting when performing these activities
  • Persons traveling by private conveyance or public as long as the weapon is secure and that the holder did not have on hand.
  • Persons carrying an unloaded gun, secure and packed, shop at home and / or place of repair and return the weapon.
  • People whose job is to manufacture, repair or trade in arms.
It is legal to possess a firearm without a license for his defense in his personal vehicle as long as the weapon is secure and is not available for immediate use.

This brief extract from the legislation - with a number of exceptions that fully diluted - demonstrates just how easy it is to walk around with a gun. Just turned 18, a criminal record and to go camping ... Firearms have become such a scourge in many large cities, mothers who lost a child victim of a gun created "Mothers Against Arms", an association that fights for the law changes, on their side Fathers created MAD-DADS (Men Against Destruction = MAD). But these organizations are struggling to make weight against the very powerful "National Rifle Association (more than 4 million members), which lobbied in favor of gun and advocates a broad interpretation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution (" A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, it may not be infringed the right of people to keep and bear arms" . It was chaired by Charlton Heston. It defends free trade in firearms training in survival skills of shooting, and sport shooting. It defines weapons possession as a civil right protected by the Bill of Rights.

The number of firearms in the USA increased by some 4 million per year! With, Moreover, all firearms sold hand under the coat. It is estimated that in the U.S., 270 million guns in the hands of civilians! However, even if the number of deaths by firearms is impressive (30,000 annually), it has declined over the last decade: the laws against crime have hardened significantly in almost all states (life imprisonment or death sentence for first degree murder), there are fewer accidents through better education and awareness of gun owners, the campaigns of anti-gun organizations are beginning to bear fruit.

In my opinion, besides the right of everyone to own a weapon, the fact that this country lives in a 2-speed plays a huge role in the crime. Rich and poor live in their respective ghettos, welfare and unemployment benefits are woefully inadequate and already at the school, the social divide is clear. I will touch a word in my next post.


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