Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kiosk Rent At Perimeter Mall Atlanta

Getting up before dawn? Yes, it happens!

Yesterday, as every Saturday, we went to the "farmers' market" freshly caught tuna and shrimp, tomatoes, zucchini, tangerines and bagels (typically a bun New York, nature, onions or grapes, much better than the local bread, more reminiscent of the sponge that crusty baguette!). There is always entertainment market. This time, a very original car carelessly, that really rolls and has also traveled over 34,000 miles (1 mile = 1.6 kilometers) since its construction in 2006, which is more than all the cars here (the people change every year, if not more often ...)
And 2 dogs, obviously quite pleased to be the stars of the day, installed in a toy car. These Americans, really, they have imagination!
Last night the clocks were set at 4 am for Alain, Herbert and I (Helga wants to sleep) ... The island of Sanibel , about 40 minutes by car is famous for its shellfish. And given the number of amateurs, it is recommended to walk at dawn. We therefore arrive at the biggest beach of the island to 5 h1 / 2, and it's still dark. At 6 o'clock morning two fishermen appear: they tell us that the sun will not rise before 7 pm! So we return all three to the car, Alan and Herbert settle before using their sweater as a pillow while I slip into the tailgate, the best place (hey hey) I can sleep a little bent but c is not bad and there is coverage of Joy - which feels a bit like a wet dog, but I'm not sensitive - to keep me warm because it is 15 degrees morning. We all slept like dormice over an hour! At the beach, dozens of people already roam the sand, but far enough from where we are, so we have a chance to find many shells and see a gorgeous sunrise.

In return, I'll knock at Barbara, who has lived here for about 20 years, she explains how to prepare for the critters. It opens eyes wide with amazement: she has never cooked seafood "cooked". Besides shrimp, she bought pre-cooked or eaten in restaurant ... So I improvise: 3 minutes in boiling water, "skinning" and presto, a small blow to the pan with garlic butter. Some shells are a little rubbery, but the taste is delicious! And I will restore shellfish that we ourselves have collected and eaten, not those found in souvenir shops. Still, as Americans who have lived here for decades are never themselves gone fishing for shellfish all costs and have no idea how they are prepared, it makes me fall socks. .. As my sister in law Denise (big kisses her and Michel by the way): "These Americans are definitely not like us"!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snl Christopher Lowell Skit Nbc

Imagination can be expensive ...

A news story rather original!

At the end of last year, Meagan's boyfriend left her (she lives in Miami) and returned to live in Boston, across the country. He no longer loves her, she still loves him passionately. Shortly after, she discovers she is pregnant and inform the father, holding then month after month during the course of pregnancy and ultrasound results. After the baby is born, she regularly sends pictures and he finally decided to return to the holidays to get to know her little Riley, now a few months old. When he landed the plane on Christmas Day, Meagan awaits him, distraught and in tears the baby was kidnapped a few hours earlier, police did extensive research throughout the region and organizes beaten, mobilizing dozens of agents. A local television, the story is the one: we see her friend Meagan and start sobbing in front of the cameras this message: "Please, help us find our baby! You that we have removed, I do not will create trouble, but I beg you, have mercy on us and let our little Riley to spend his first Christmas with his parents! ". Any American shuddered and telephone lines are saturated with calls from people who think they have recognized the baby close to home. Riley remains found.
But police found that the story of the mother has some curious inconsistencies. Nobody in the neighborhood has never seen or heard baby crying, Meagan's family (who lives in another state) knows nothing about the existence of Riley, the business of brand new baby, packets of layers and powdered milk for babies are not initiated, it can give the name of any pediatrician, and the birth is declared in any register ...
After several hours of interrogation, she confessed the truth: she has been pregnant but had a miscarriage at 3 months. She thought that this pregnancy was an unstoppable way to maintain ties with her ex-boyfriend and he has carefully concealed her miscarriage. But she did not think he would even make the trip (about 2000 km) for Christmas ... He must therefore urgently find a way to justify the absence of any baby ... It is thus went to buy a crib, clothes and toys she kept in the so-called baby's room and phoned the police saying that her little Riley was gone! And the pictures of the baby? Stitched on the Internet, simply.
Meagan was arrested for having given false information to police and fined the equivalent number of hours worked by all police officers mobilized to find a nonexistent Riley. In my opinion, it also needs a good shrink! But it is doubtful if it has "all the cups the cabinet, "let us not worry too much for the financial future of this gifted actress ... No doubt a publisher will rush to buy the story, then a producer in Hollywood make a film that goes carton!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Urban Outfitters Suppliers Bedding

Christmas by 28 degrees: fast, a pina colada! Lazy Flamingo

Well yes, it means nice which we use to cool ourselves ... Do not get me wrong, we do not complain! As Pineapples are delicious here and we have found a ready base mix coconut milk, pineapple juice, we try every day with a different variant of the fruits we have on hand: once it's pineapple + banana + coconut milk once pineapple, coconut milk and lime juice or pineapple juice, tangerine + + coco ... What is constant is the rum is added after mixed it! A teaspoon Alain (otherwise it would lie at 19 am saying that it is round), a good shot for others. There is a huge compartment for ice cubes (that you buy at the supermarket by 3 pounds) in the freezer and there is press a button to see the whole ice cubes or crushed ice. We sipped quietly, and while the officer of the day in the kitchen busy.
Today, attracted by its evocative name, we went in Venice. Okay ... As everywhere, not downtown where you can stroll and nothing very exciting, but a nice beach where I made a small dip (Alain water was too cold, too hot and others had went to put in the shade!).
I saw several people armed with nets and apparently very busy. Curious, I went to ask them if they were looking for shellfish (I could not imagine the fish at 1 meter from the edge). A young woman told me, bridling pride that Venice is the world capital of shark teeth! The beach has long been a place where the sharks were dying (Death in Venice? ... Visconti had not thought of) and actually, in the nets, we reduce the number of shells without much interest but also some shark teeth that are selling very well. Those who stay long in the water are a nice black, the others are gray or white and they are most often mounted in jewelry.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How Do I Hang Curtains In A Shower

Our friends in Germany, Herbert and Helga, arrived and things get complicated for my poor ... He neurons must speak German with them and the U.S. (still different from English) with the locals. Alain and I started talking to him in German Helga and Herbert do not feel excluded from the conversation! By late afternoon, my "hard drive" has turned so that I hardly comprehensible gibberish a mixture of American and German. For example, in the car, when Herbert and I led the guide, the card knees, it gives: "am nächsten crossroad, it's straight fährst und dann To The Left ..."
Yesterday we spent the day at the Americans' favorite sport: shopping! The stores are grouped into "malls" immense, where everything is concentrated. At Miromar Mall, there are some 140 shops as well ... The complex is built like a village, with streets, fountains, benches, cafés with terrace and shops are following: clothing, shoes, sportswear, jewelry household equipment, restaurants and fast food, there's plenty to do. Moreover, Americans do not make a jump for some shopping: they spend the day altogether! Balances are held here before Christmas, with prices lowered to 40, 50 or even 70%! Near the holidays and therefore attractive prices draining a huge clientele in search of bargains. And there is! Herbert bought 3 pairs of Levi's jeans for 80 dollars, and for my part, I remained modest: I bought a small 100% cashmere sweater ($ 49), a jacket-trouser set (which had fallen from 300 to 60 dollars) and a jacket for Alain. I'll spare you the shopping list of Helga, almost unseen behind countless packets is a big shopaholic, but it is less concentrated in the car ... She had forgotten to turn off the lights and so we ended up running out of battery. However, American cars are all automatic and no cables. I have addressed to a man sitting in his car and waited probably that his wife had finished her shopping: he looked up from his newspaper to tell us to contact the security department of the Mall. But Herbert was looking for a guard, I found two Hispanic mothers, starting up with a huge 4x4, to whom I explained the situation with my 3 words of English and force posturing. They did not hesitate a second to help us, which is very rare here: the police recommend to never stop to help a vehicle in trouble, because it is a tactic often used to assault you and steal everything you including your car ... So if someone needs help, we called the police, but it would not go above outside his vehicle. The car was good enough to start. Muchas gracias!
In return we have decided to save cooking. Check for a restaurant recommended by the Guide to Florida Herbert: The Lazy Flamingo, famous for its fish and seafood, 30-minute drive (in other words next ...).
Their slogan: "If our fish were fresher, you eat under water!". The restaurant is a sort of large wooden hut where every wall, every corner is full of marine objects, neon advertisements for beers, and makeshift signs "home", eg "paradise has its price: Remember that the service is not included!". We waited 1 / 2 hour until a table becomes available and behind us, a line of at least 20 people waiting his turn ... We enjoyed oysters, mussels in white wine, fried shrimp, grilled fish Everything was indeed delicious and fresh copy.

Monday, December 22, 2008

High Soft Closed Cervix Week Before Period

Boat Parade

exist in Cape tradition that has endured for 32 years: the Boat Parade which takes place on Sunday evening before Christmas. A neighbor (who was very proud to say that he had visited he saw Switzerland = Bern, Montreux and Zermatt), which we recommended the event. Cape Coral is punctuated by numerous canals, boat owners are numerous. And this Sunday, hundreds of floating candles and decorated gathered in a basin, surrounded by the "4 Freedoms Park, where bleachers had been erected for the public. On a stage, local artists sang Christmas carols that we "come out through the holes in the nose" to force hear it everywhere: in magazines, on TV, radio, there are only for "Rudy the red nose deer "," I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, "" Gingle Bells "and other Christmas Here ...
So hundreds of people, their folding chair under one arm and a hearty picnic under the other went to the park and never miss the sepctacle. Luckily we went more than an hour before sunset. We have found a place in the stands (a little hard, but it was better than staying up) and have patiently waited until 19 hours. The show was worth it, the kayak paddles illuminated with a small mat on which was mounted a Christmas tree with large yachts of almost 20 meters through the sailboats, all had outbid in streamers, inflatable Santa and Reindeer ... Then the boats paraded around the pool before going through the channels with the broadest. You see ... it happens sometimes when something in Cape Coral!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Long Does Temazepam Take To Effect

The "soap opera" tragic holding the breath in Florida

In June, the little Caylee Anthony disappeared his home in suburban Orlando.

His young mother Casey (she was a teenager when his daughter was born) said she was abducted by the woman who kept the girl who disappeared the same day, but it has reported her daughter missing until July. Search notices were immediately launched, putting up posters in stores, the police investigation firm. The weeks and months pass. Caylee is not found. But police found that the story of the mother is lame, he is reproached for not having raised the alarm immediately and she is incarcerated. Florida is divided into two camps: those who think the mother knows more than she is willing to say and those who find it disgusting encloses a young woman on the basis of vague assumptions.

The news is gradually up to hurricanes and floods this summer with their train of cities devastated and in tears families who have lost everything. Then came the presidential election takes center stage. But two weeks ago, the case comes to the forefront of local news: a television channel managed to get a video of a visit to Casey's parents to jail. Inmate says up hope that her daughter is still alive, but no expressions of emotion when she recounts the harsh living conditions and poor food in the detention center, asking his parents to bring him candy and cosmetics. Psychiatrists are interviewed: some believe that this indifference is suspect, others that is normal, after months of worry and grief, that Casey evening depressed and folded in on itself. Legal experts discuss farm: is it legitimate to imprison a woman simply because we find no evidence that his story and presents some curious gaps?

Last week, the case bounced and made it to all TV channels: one found at 600 meters from the house of the mother, garbage bags containing the bones of children. Do they belong to Caylee or another of dozens of children who disappear each year in the U.S.? Identification is difficult because with the floods, the bag has been derived and may have been discovered far from where it was deposited. It is the analysis of DNA that has finally lifted yesterday the mystery: it is indeed the little Caylee. But too much time has passed so we can immediately determine the cause of death. What investigators know, however, through analysis of computer hard disk for Casey is that it has researched on the Internet about chloroform and its effects. Dr. Garavaglia, a forensic pathologist known for the documentary series which has been the subject (and we've seen on Channel Planet), is now trying without much hope of finding traces of this substance in the remains of the girl.

Tongues are loosened: neighbors reportedly heard an argument and shouting on the day of the disappearance of Caylee. Should we take these allegations seriously or is it, as often happens, to be for a few hours the center of media attention and being on television? Moreover, relatives of the family say that the pregnancy was unwanted and that it was his parents who pushed Cassie to keep the child. The motive could be there: a mother too young, an unwanted child that prevents him from living his youth, unable to cope, frustration leading to the development of a murder disguised as a kidnapping ... But we need evidence, a prima facie evidence to convince a jury or a confession. For now, there is neither the one nor the other. But public opinion has shifted and Framed Casey. And Journalists have done so much froth and blackened Case Casey are now trying to argue that it is presumed innocent until the trial ... Casey's lawyer, meanwhile said "you do not know half the story, you will discover at trial."

Legally, there are three possible ways: one is that Casey is acquitted for lack of evidence, which seems highly unlikely, the second is that it makes an agreement with the law and pleads guilty, not risking " that "to spend his life in prison. The latest is that it admits nothing, but she is convicted by the court and there is the death penalty it risk.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Demonstration On Brazilian

Apart from one incident, life is beautiful!

The temperature is rising after the cool (relatively) recent days, the sun is shining, a perfect day to go to Estero Island where Fort Myers Beach, c that is to say mile super fine sand!
We start with a hook for Joy Dog Beach lets off steam with his friends and then when we come to Estero, we are told that the bridge to Fort Myers and Cape Coral is forbidden access.
The crane of a fishing boat struck a pillar of the bridge and everyone is on edge, fearing a crack in the structure that could collapse the whole edifice.

It's full of police vehicles and coastguard, all traffic is diverted: it means a detour of about 40 km to the city! I wonder how long the bridge will remain inaccessible, "45 minutes to several days," replied the sheriff ... We decide to wait a few hours: it's almost sunset, it is good, why not buy something to eat and live on the beach? We do our very local color with our fries and cheeseburger ... a gull watching with hungry eyes!

Finally, it appears that the bridge is intact, the circulation is restored one hour later and so we can return by the shortest route.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Russian Family Maturist

gonna hurt ... and it will be worse tomorrow

I'm hunting for information or events of interest and I would have liked to give you less gloomy news from Florida, but unfortunately, the situation here worse. I'm flipping through the Coral Breeze and the official newspaper of the city in search of a news item fun or upbeat news, there is depression ... The city is providing funding to as we continue to maintain the gardens in abandoned houses. Why? Because a property decaying undermined the value of those around him and attracts squatters and thieves.

The Cape Coral again no.1 seizures of property, which had fallen from 9% in October, but increased again by 68% in November: a house of 59 is entered and if we think the USA, over 90% of the population has bought a house, it means that some 3000 owners are insolvent nothing to Cape Coral!
Authorities fear a decline of 35% income tax in Cape Coral. Coping with the loss of his emplo i.

And as a corollary ... 8 Gifts Under $ 15, for example, "give your Time: offer vouchers for homemade cookies or a few hours of help to the household "," M & M mix of green and red with dried fruit and pack it all in a cellophane bag with a pretty ribbon, "" plan a visit full of surprises on your home (scatter candy in every room )(??), "buy multipacks of colorful soaps on sale and separately wrap each soap" ...
the Holidays large but low price: we advise you to invite your friends and neighbors to "take a leap." Offer them some crackers and a glass of sparkling wine will strain your budget less than inviting for a meal. An example is a family that immigrated from Germany after the war - it currently has 4 generations and 63 people - who gave up on gifts for adults, but maintains the tradition by meeting the whole family for a meal (everyone brings contribution) and Christmas carols.

The gloom is everywhere and evokes the postwar period, when women's magazines explain how to vary recipes from newspapers or rutabagas how to transform a shabby dress as a model for every day ...
It should be noted that U.S. wages are much lower than ours, so that if the houses are cheaper, the cost of living is almost equivalent, and a car (or two) is essential. I give you some examples:
Head Office in Government: $ 35,473 / year (= CHF 3418.-/mois)
Store Manager: $ 42,226 / year (CHF 4067 .- / months)
Lawyer: $ 68,720 (CHF 6620.-/mois)
And if you're interested, I found this information on a site that compares average salaries in the United States, but also in many other countries.

Pros Using Rolin Gloves

Indian Festival

An article in Coral Breeze announces' Indian Festival to discover the traditions and crafts of Native America. Curious, and delighted that an event is an opportunity for an exit "cultural", we drive to Sun Splash, water park Local - closed this season - which hosted the festival.
After paying the $ 5 without complaint entry per person, we skirted a dozen booths of crafts, a teepee in front of which an Indian woman in traditional dress (100% viscose) explained what was the purpose of the exhibits at his feet (a baby carrier, a pair of moccasins, a pipe, a few skins coypus) and a tent under which a band hoarse before a microphone. Not finding the entrance to the festival itself, we turned to a vendor who opened his eyes in astonishment: "But that's the festival you're there!".

There is that we have made round eyes ... disappointment. In fact, there was more to sell than to discover a culture.
Come on, let's be good princes and play the game:'ll see what they sell! Some artisans sell items they make themselves (silver jewelry inlaid with turquoise, drawings and paintings and traditional musical instruments), but most offer mass-produced objects (made in China?): Polar jackets Patterned bear or wolves, pottery industry, dreamcatcher with feathers colored kitsch, bumper stickers proclaiming "I am Indian and proud of it" or collars colored plastic beads.

A little frustrating, but if you want to be objective, our cottages, music boxes, our plastic edelweiss pin mounted, our wooden spoons cream and our T-shirts with flowers Alpine Are the most authentic? The problem is the same everywhere: the authentic items made by hand labor intensive and therefore their price is high. But our shopping opportunities such as this festival are impulse buys and the amount we are prepared to invest - unless we are passionate collectors - still modest. Vendors therefore adapt to the application: typical items and cheap items = mass produced with cheap materials. Thus we (tourists or visitors) have caused the situation that we regret later ...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby Shower Funny Messages

The trouble with a dog ...

A bookstore? A 1 km from us? Cultural irresistible after withdrawal of 2 weeks! We decide to walk there, under the astonished gaze of the motorist whose car is in lieu of prosthetic legs ... A good opportunity to Joy walk a little further than usual.

The trouble with a dog is that does not needs to order. However, it is imperative here to pick up the droppings, even on the median between two lanes of traffic where nobody will ever set foot. We have already seen that there is no distributor for excrement bags to use in areas where dogs can be let loose. They are rare. American dogs pose do they poop than when off?

We initially treasured plastic bags generously awarded in the stores and found it somewhat disproportionate and impractical to walk with a bag that can hold 5 kg of goods ... So we made a generous supply of bags and ad hoc Dogbeach not leave without ever having one in your pocket. Here we are heading for the bookstore. A few hundred yards away, Joy made his poop that - civilized people - we pick up carefully while waiting to cross the first bin. Nothing. Not a single bin. We toyed with the idea of getting rid of that damned bag sliding into a mailbox (there are no shortages!), Then have wisely placed behind a post before entering the library for leaving again. Some observers have been few, we promised to be more attentive to the dustbins on the way back (each taking turns at the dog and the bag to evenly distribute the feeling of ridicule). Well ... we came home with the bag!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Operation Repo The Movie Free

The financial crisis has struck again

This morning the phone rings ... This is Barbara (our landlord) who warns us that we could have a visit from a person providing the documents and that nothing should be signed, but just take any documents and tell the person to apply to them (who live across the street). To be sure to identify the right person, I ask what kind of documents question. And then we fall from the clouds ... Barbara explains, her throat tightened, the economic situation forces them to sell the house we're staying! Our stay is fortunately not questioned because the sale will be effective only in several months, but it's a shock.
This couple apparently qu'aisé, owner of several houses, a yacht and two cars, which is reduced to trying to sell urgently its properties before they were seized, at the worst time since the market collapsed and the houses are sold off. Real estate agencies also are trying to lure potential customers with discounts up to 20% off the asking price there is still little!
In fact, we see once again that we really never pay what you buy here, just to pay interest on loans they obtained. And when these interests amounted to several thousand dollars per month, absorbing the bulk of income, it does not take much for everything changes. Interests that we can no longer pay on time in addition to large penalties for delay, if it is unable to rectify the situation, he must sell to avoid foreclosure. If we imagine that Barbara and Barry took a loan of 450,000 dollars for this house and they get to sell it for 350,000, He will still be a debt of 100,000 dollars which they pay interest throughout their lives when they have more home ...

The situation in this region of Florida is dramatic. Many people find themselves on the street and a few days ago, the paper contained a long article on families who had to leave their homes to move into mobile homes at the campsite ... The city of Cape Coral has established a program called "Adopt a family for Christmas" (adopt a family for Christmas). Go Register for a family for Christmas: it offers $ 50 for meals and gifts for each child. Another article gave advice on how to tell children they will not have the gifts on their list to Santa and suggested gift ideas to make your own. We must say here that if we regret that Christmas is a celebration if commercial, here it takes on gigantic proportions! Two television channels devoted 24 hours 24 to teleshopping and of course, right now, everything is focused on Christmas, but in a rather perverse. Advertising plays on the fact that people have less money, but want to save face. Basically, it gives: "Your dream woman a jewel and you can not afford? Buy this beautiful necklace which will delight ... His finishes are so perfect that no one will see that it's fake and that you have paid only $ 29! ".

We find this state spirit in the house. Ours has exterior walls that seem to have a thickness of about 20 cm, but if you look closely, the wall is at most 8-10 cm thick and the rest, c is an addition to drywall that rings hollow ... The furniture appeared to be solid wood, but plastic, our table looks to be painted rattan cream, but c is a synthetic resin ...

is a society where appearances count alone and posing. Whatever that quality is mediocre, as long as "it throws".

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mushroom Soup Andpotatoess

The boss is not boring ...

We must recover some serious work! It was very quiet on that side these days, but now back to reality industrious ... I must say that working conditions are quite nice and the boss is not boring: a few hours the computer then when your back starts to snort, hop, a little swim!

And Joy jumped in the water, of course ... (with the blessing of the owners, I say). As I'm not going to detail the number of lines translated, the remarks will be short today. But I have some issues aside, do not worry!

You've seen the house from the outside, here are some views from inside